chapter fifteen

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yn's p.o.v.

when i woke up, i was in the school's nurse room. i sat up and looked around confused.

"w-where am i..?"

"oh! you're awake! how are you feeling, yn?" the nurse asked with a smile on her face.

"m-my head is pounding..."

i wasn't lying. it was very bad..

"have this," she handed me some pills and a glass of water.

"what happened? why am i here..?" i asked.

i swallowed the pills she gave me.

"ah.. you got badly beaten up by some girls in your class.."

that's right..

"i want to ask you something," she said, grabbing my attention.


"what have you done? i mean.. did you do something that made them beat you up?"

"i -i don't think so..?"

"sakura kept saying that you deserved it."

"mm.. can't think of anything.."

of course i know..  but, if i told you, you would probably not believe me, nurse. its a stupid reason, that. but sakura doesn't understand that he is one of those people that you can't stop talking to suddenly. if i did, what would be the reason? 'i can't be your friend anymore because sakura doesn't want to!'

"i see.."

jungkook's p.o.v.

"good afternoon, everybody."

it was a policeman.


"i was called in to give you a talk today about a really important subject. even if that didn't happen before."

everyone listened quietly at what he had to say.

"was someone a witness?"

all the class turned to look at me.

"i guess you saw what happened?"

"n-not really.."

"what's your name?"

"j-jeon jungkook, sir."

"tell me everything you know. i don't want any interruptions."

"w-well.. ever since her first day, sakura kept glaring at her. even during break the first day, sakura told her something..? i don't know what she told yn.. but i know it wasn't very nice. then another time, she spilled water on yn.. then she beat her up another time before this... then i found out what happened because i was told to go get something from a room and that's when i saw her.." i stopped speaking. i looked up.

the policeman nodded and wrote some things down.

"are you close to her?"


"her boyfriend?"

i blushed, "no."

the policeman smiled at me and stood up, since he was kneeling down beside me.

"anyone else?"

a girl raised her hand.

"okay, tell me."

the policeman walked over to her and also kneeled down.

"w-well.. i apologize in advance. i was blackmailed by sakura. i don't know how.. but she managed to convince me to beat yn up.. i agreed to it because back then, i just wanted to fit in," she stopped and sighed," i don't know what happened to me.."

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