chapter fourty-one

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two months later

jungkook's p.o.v.

i huffed and frowned as i stared at the front of the class.

"hello, everyone! my name is park jimin, but soon enough, one of you will be calling me baby," he said flirtatiously and winked.. at yn. i frowned even more and glared at him. he noticed my glare filled with hatred and chuckled. he turned serious and then mouthed, 'she will be mine.' i frowned even more. how dare he?! i swear i will beat the crap out of that dwarf.

"okay class, i want all of you to be nice to jimin, since he is new here," the teacher said sternly, "jimin, sit next to eunji."

he nodded and went to sit next to her. she looked down with her cheeks looking quite flustered. i decided to not pay attention to him for the rest of the school year, that was just a few months. just three months, just three...

"open your books to page 243 and do all of the excersises. no complaining."

i rolled my eyes and opened the book. i really hate when teachers say that, then play with their phones. you have a job.. i just grabbed my notebook and did the exercises quickly.

~break time~

i stood up and walked up to yn smiling. my smile soon faded when i saw her speaking to jimin.

"umm.. hi," i said awkwardly.

jimin spins his head around. he slightly glares at me, but just for a second, then continues smiling again. huh.. fake much.

"yn and i were just discussing about maths.. i highly doubt you would want to join us."

yn looks at me and slightly smiles. "we can always talk about something else!"

jimin goes serious. "but.. yn-ie.. i was really enjoying our conversation.."

"a-ah.. i-"

"it's fine. continue talking about maths or whatever without me." i huffed and walked out of the classroom.

yn's p.o.v.

this jimin guy, i swear- he's so annoying, but i don't want to be rude.. he deserves it though. a few minutes later, i got bored of the conversation. i rolled my eyes. i felt bad that jungkook stormed off like that though. i wanted to go check on him, but this guy keeps talking and talking..

"listen, i'll go outside," i manage to say. i stood up and left the room to find jungkook. where he was, nobody knew, but i knew that he was near. i wanted to throw away the wrapper of the crackers that i had eaten before, so i walked up to the trash can. i threw the plastic away. i then noticed some.. hair? i leaned over and saw jungkook, crumbled up in a little ball next to the trash can.

"what are you doing here..?" i faintly giggled, finding this situation quite humorous.

"go away.." he muffled.

"go away..?" i kneeled down in front of him, "what's wrong?"

"nothing.. now go with pur new boyfriend and leave me here alone.." he lifted his head, pouting and frowning. he's so cute- yn, focus!

"new boyfriend..? i only have one.. and that is you," i booped his nose.

"don't lie.. if you don't love me, just tell me, i'll understand.. jimin is like.. one hundred times better than me.." he hid his face in between his arms.

"what are you saying, jungkook? do you seriously think that i like him?" i rolled my eyes and scoffed. "him being one hundred times better than you? impossible. you way better than him. even more than one hundred times better than him! you shouldn't be like that with yourself.. you yourself!" i smiled at him. "i love you." i hugged him. i then felt him hugging me back, tightly.

"now, don't get sad! here, let me tell you a secret.." i got closer to his ear, "i'll buy you an ice cream..!"

his face lit up and he nodded.

"okay then, it's settled! how about this afternoon?"

"is it a date?"

"i would guess so.." i smiled.

"okay," he blushed.

"yah, get a room you two!" a female voice spoke.

i turned around. "eunji! you scared me.."

she giggled and squatted down next to me.

"what secret are you hiding..?" she whispered, lookind around to see if anyone was coming.

"nothing," i smiled, "wait.." i squinted my eyes.

"what..?" she giggled.

"i know that silly smile! and that giggle.. i could identify it anywhere.."

"what do you mean?" she giggled once more.

i grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "i'm sorry, jungkook. we need to discuss some serious matters!"

i dragged her to the bathroom. we got in a stall and locked the door.

"who's the guy?"

"what guy?" she giggled.

i squinted my eyes again. "oh, you know what i'm talking about."

"okay, okay, fine.. but don't tell anyone, okay?"

i nodded quickly.

"jimin.." she whispered.

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