chapter twenty-two

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there's a fountain next to the bus stop..? i tilted my head in confusion and slightly frowned. i checked the time. still 4p.m. i'll do homework then. i put an alarm on my phone and started doing some homework.

a while later, my mom walked in the room. she looked worried. "i am so sorry.. i have to work until late.." she said, "i left you some food for dinner, okay, honey?" she hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

"okay, mom.." should i tell her? or should i not tell her? i was having a mental debate on whether or not i should tell her about jungkook's letter.

"is everything okay?" she asked, "oh.. what's this? a letter..?"


"ah.. m-mom i.."

"who is it from?"

i sighed. i should tell her..

"i-its from j-jungkook.." i blushed.

"oh.." a smile started to creep on her face, "a love letter?"


she giggled, "okay, okay.. but what does it say? i'm curious now.."

i handed it to her. she read it and sighed romantically.

"you know, yn.. your father used to send me these types of letters all the time.."

"used to? what happened?"

"we got married.. and had you and your- uh.. dog. we used to have a dog," she smiled.

"awh that's nice.."

"wait.. if you're going to meet up at the fountain.. what are you going to wear?!"

jungkook's p.o.v.

"what is it with that silly smile, koo?" my mom asked.

"eh? oh, nothing," i unconsciously started smiling even more.

"its because of yn, is it?


"i know you overheard my friends and i speaking about how our husbands made us fall in love with them and vice versa!"

oh.. woops..

i giggled nervously.

"its perfectly fine. i'm glad you were brave enough to do it! i would have never found the courage to do so."

"w-what do you mean?"

"the letter, of course," i was shook, "come on, koo.. you really thought i wouldn't notice..? im your mother, i know you."

"oh.. haha.."

"what did she say? what did she do? what did you write?" she bombarded me with questions.

"mom.. calm down..!"

i answered all of her questions.

"well, what are you waiting for? go get ready!"

i nodded and went to freshen up.

yn's p.o.v.

"mom.. i think that all of this is unnecessary.."

she had dressed me up in a voluminous dress.

"oh, sweetie.. i think may have went to far.."

"ya think?"

she giggled nervously, "i'll help you choose something more.. casual.."

she helped me choose another outfit: a pink overall dress with a grey jumper and some tights, since it was going to be chilly at night.

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