Kingsley Shackelbolt🤫

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Imagine: Kingsley after you get lost

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Imagine: Kingsley after you get lost.
"Are you seriously telling me you have no idea where you are going? Actually let me rephrase that, where we are going?"Kingsley snapped at you.
"Funnily enough I left my guide to the Forbidden Forest in my dorm."You sarcastically hissed back."This was your idea anyway. I don't care what the bloody hell Potter and the rest of his friends do in the dead of night."
Kingsley folded his arms as you stopped again and kicked a large tree root to make sure it wasn't alive or enchanted.
"It's strange."He mused."It's always once a month, on the night of a full moon"-he gasped-"you don't think-"
"That one of them's a werewolf?"You turned and raised an amused eyebrow, before continuing on there walk."Of course not, I mean surely Dumbledore would have to alert us of that. Even if they meant no harm, the other students have a right to know...right?"
"I guess."Kingsley shrugged as you hopped over a fallen log.
"Lumos."You muttered, making a bright light emit from your wand and motioning for your friend to do the same."Why'd you take me with you anyway? I don't have anything to do with this, I don't even have anything to do with nature. I refuse to take care of magical creatures or herbology past OWL level."
Kingsley scratched the back of his neck, a light blush spreading across his cheeks."Uh-I don't know. I guess you're the first person I thought of, you're usual-"
"Shut up."You stopped and put an arm out, which quickly connected with Kingsley's chest.
"Y/N, wha-"
"Did you hear that?"
You craned your neck forward and heard the sound again.
"Was that?"
"A h-howl?
You began to panic and turned to Kingsley who was equally as alarmed.
"What do we do?!"You exclaimed.
"Move!"He shouted, grabbing you and swiftly pulling you behind a tree as a canine-like shape raced past.
"Oh my god."You huffed, holding onto Kingsley's coat for dear life."There's no way-"
The sound of hooves, paws and god knows what else caught you by surprise, cutting you off.
Kingsley peeked around the tree trunk, still keeping his arms firmly around you."And there's the rest of them."
You looked over his shoulder to see a dog, a stag and a rat rushing in the same direction as the presumed werewolf.

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