Red Trailer

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Bell Dundy, alluding to the samurai, Yasuke of Japanese history and legend while her name alludes to her red bomber jacket. Her swords, yellow bladed katanas, Sanda and Raitoningu have names meaning Thunder and Lightning, they have no alternative modes or ability for dust use, instead, they rely wholly on her skill and act as reversed lightning rods for her semblance. Said semblance, name Stormcloud allows her to generate electricity from her body and channel it through her weapons, making incredible strikes backed by the forces of nature.

All in all, she's one terrifying woman.

It was the thick of the night, a girl was making her way through the jungle, leaping from tree to tree, her twin blades on her hips and her handguns in her coat. She was deep in the forests of Mistral, going after a member of one of the many local crime syndicates whom she'd been pursuing for quite some time, he would be her way in to learn what had happened to her friend. What had happened to Rojo.

The forest was dark, though the fire of the camp she'd been looking for glimmered through the darkness, shining like a  Beacon in the night, alerting any grimm... or thundering samurai to their position. So in an instant, she rushed forward, leaping from tree to tree until she was just over the camp, eyes resting on the ten soldiers that made up the camp as well as the officer who was her target... it was Azul Oceanus.

She dropped to the ground with a glare on her face, deciding her course of action as she dropped down to the ground, landing on the head of one of the men before they had a chance to manifest any aura, snapping their neck instantly "Azul!" she called out in hatred

She dropped to the ground with a glare on her face, deciding her course of action as she dropped down to the ground, landing on the head of one of the men before they had a chance to manifest any aura, snapping their neck instantly "Azul!" she cal...

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He stood up with a frown on his face, looking at her in his beautifully crafted blue shogun armor "Oh Bell, what a pity you had to come here... but the likes of you have no place among the clans of Mistral, you are of the commoner caste, you will not prevail. And you will die on your knees like the pheasant you are... sister." 

The man nodded and his men rushed forward, one spinning his flail and another with sai and so on, though as they approached they fell, before long there were four corpses at her feet, the wounds didn't bleed as the electricity flowing from her blades closed the wounds as they were inflicted. The remaining six soldiers decided to play it careful, staving off on direct attacks, rather surrounding her, weapons drawn before they prepared to lunge only for Bell to call out in annoyance and spin rapidly clockwise, flinging small lightning bolts into the men, dropping them to the ground, their steel armor proving detrimental, conducting her power to harm them tenfold.

That was when she turned to face Azul only to see that he wasn't there, a roar of anger leaving her throat as she sheathed her blades and slammed a fist into a tree. Though as she did, a new set of footsteps came to her ears, making her look back and raise an eyebrow as she saw somebody she never expected to see our here in the middle of nowhere...

"Miss Dundy." Ironwood said with a sort of determination in his voice "I would like to invite you to Atlas Academy."

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