Our story begins on earth. In the small town of riverside, two brothers named lucifer and dark sat in the backseat of their aunts car as it drove to their destination. Their aunts house. Dark and lucifer were staying with their aunt as their parents had died 2 months ago. Dark and lucifer weren't the same after their parents death. Lucifer was more protective of dark and as for dark. Poor dark was taking it pretty hard. Ever since his parents deaths, dark hadn't spoken. He hadn't said a single word. Not once. He doesn't speak to anyone. Not to his aunt. Not to lucifer, not to anyone. It was like he shut off. Shut everyone out. Dark didn't even smile anymore or even laugh or giggle. Yet before he had the most beautiful smile and his giggle and laugh was like music to anyones ears. His eyes didn't sparkle with happiness. They were dull. If he was asked a question, he wouldn't answer but he'd understand what was said. He was so silent, it was alarming at times. It was clear as day that dark was broken. Broken beyond fixing. But he wasn't impossible to fix. He never let anyone get close to him except his big brother lucifer so its up to lucifer to fix dark. Mend his broken heart. And while doing so, lucifer realises that his love for dark is more than brotherly love...but will lucifer be able to fix dark? Can he get the old dark back? The dark locked away in the broken shell of a boy? And if he succeeds will he tell dark how he feels? Will dark love him back? Only time will tell..
Credits to:cutiepie_sweetsss