my teacher is my soulmate,Markicest

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Everyone is born with a soulmate and when they turn sixteen their name appears on their wrist and so that is what happen to Mark and his soulmate name was dark/Damian which seems to be wired but either way he was so happy but he never found anyone named Dark so mark started to lose hope till he had moved to LA to be in college and on his first day he already had great friends then that's when he met his soulmate he was rushing to his class when he ran into someone papers going flying everywhere and a yelp when mark looked he saw a man with bright red eyes and vlear night black hair cleaning up the papers and Mark snapped out of it and got to helping him "I am so sorry,I wasn't looking and was running so I didn't see where I was going" Mark said as the man brushes it off "It's okay,I was looking down so I wasn't watching myself,Sorry my name is Damian but some of my friends call me Dark,w-" dark was about to ask till he was caught off by someone coming to help and talk and when dark looked Mark was gone,Mark couldn't believe it it was his but now he probably just lost him till he want to his last class of math and saw Dark there as the...teacher...start from there

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