Mark is a little kept in a adoption center which is called little heaven,he is a shy,timid,cute and innocent unlike the other littles there who aren't like him. So far all the other littles are getting adopted all expect him as people who adopt them thinks mark is too innocent and they want littles with sexual experience and such which mark doesn't have. Dark is a lonely demon living by himself in a mansion. He's a god man and he'd an actor starring in different movies. However dark wants someone to love and care for. Someone who won't love him because he's famous. Dark decides to visit little heaven after finding out about it when he was browsing the internet. Dark arrives there and looks around but none of littles catch his eye until he sees mark who was asleep on a bean bag sucking a pink pacifier and cuddling a plushie looking so cute and innocent. Dark immediately knew that this was the little he wanted. He adopts mark and just as he picks mark up,mark panics as he didn't know dark had adopted him..start from there
credit to: Howlingclaudeen_wolf