1# Person A being the moody punk but when ever Person B comes along they melt because of how cute they are
2# perrson B giving Person A a pastel flower crown and Person A rocking the pastel flower crown look
3# Person A takes B to a punk band concert and B has the best time of their life to much of A’s surprise
4# Person A sings to B a punk song that B has never heard before but B loves the song the way A sings
5# Person B knowing every punk rock band in existence and A being completly thrown for a loop when B knows more about punk rock bands that A does
6# Person A picking up B at their parents house and B’s parents are are shocked when they see neon hair, and punk clothes on A but B’s mother absolutely adores it and welcomes A in right away to much of B’s delight
7# Person A downloading happy music because it reminds them of B
8# Person B taking A to pop band concert and B gets to ride on A’s shoulders because they can’t see over everyone else
9# Person A buying B a personalized leather jacket
10# Person B putting a streak in their hair that matches the neon colour of A’s
11# Person B has the resting annoyed face and A has the resting always happy face
12# Person A being the happy go lucky one while B is the I hate everyone person
13# Person A being the happy go lucky one while B is the I hate everyone person
14# Person B buys A their first coloured shirt that isn’t a band shirt
15# Person A and B taking selfies together and posting them on social media and everyone comments how cute they look together
16# Person A getting a tattoo of B’s name in colour because B brought colour into their life
17# Person B trying to dress punk and A can’t help but laugh at how cute B looks because they are trying so hard but they are too cute
18# Person A dressing up in pastel colours for B and B telling them that they tried and that is what counts
19# You came over to my house and forgot a shirt. Wait, all of my shirts are really bright, pastel shirts and I’m so sorry you have to wear these.”
20# “Everytime people see us messing around they think you’re bullying me because you look hard af. And now they think those hickeys you gave me are bruises…”
21# “I forgot to mention I got a tongue piercing awhile ago and you start screaming while we were making out.”
22# have to introduce you to my friends and you look like a teddy bear compared to our biker gang looking group, oh god.” AU
23# “I have to introduce you to my friends and you look like you could murder all of us with your eyeliner and black leather, they will be terrified.” AU
24# “You are trying to fit in with me as a super punk kid and honestly you’re trying so hard but jesus does it look bad.”