Hazy and Hung Over - Oumeno

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After being dragged to a party by her friends Angie and Tenko, Himiko finds herself alone by the drinks table. There she meets someone unexpected.

Disclaimer: Underage drinking.


     Himiko sighed as she sipped the bitter punch, scrunching up her face in disgust. She was pretty much drunk by now, but that didn't mean she didn't have standards. The cheap booze wasn't awful, but it definitely wasn't good.

     She gazed around the crowded house. Kaito had thrown a house party, as his parents are on vacation for a week. Himiko wasn't planning on attending until Angie convinced her, basically dragging both her and Tenko.

     Now, however, the redhead was alone and drunk by the punch table. Tenko was dancing in the sea of people with some boy, probably drunk out of her mind, and Angie had dissapeared upstairs with Kiyo a while ago.

     She took another sip before leaning back into the wall behind her, only to realize it was farther than she thought. She stumbled for a moment before someone grabbed her arm, "Woah, careful ugly, you don't want to mess that face up even more!"

     "Koki- hic- chii?" The redhead blinked her hazy eyes up at the purple haired boy in front of her.

     He giggled, "Oh my Atua, you're wasted!" He pulled her closer, teasingly booping her nose, "I never thought someone like you would get drunk."

     He placed a hand in her shoulder as she stumbled a step forward. It felt like her body was on autopilot as she laid her cheek on his hand.

     They just stood there for a moment, Kokichi's face slowly turning red. He hesitantly retracted his hand and turned around, rubbing his face with both hands, "Atua, I need a drink..."

     Himiko giggled and followed close behind. For some reason, the leader's presence made her feel even more intoxicated than before.

     She grabbed another cup of punch before Kokichi stopped her, "Woah, shorty! You've had enough."

     She made a drunken wheeze and dropped the cup into the punch bowl, "Aww, you care about me!"

     "Do not!" He scoffed, "I couldn't care less about you!"

     The song changed and it took Himiko a moment to realize it was her favorite song playing. She bounced excitedly on her feet and tugged on Kokichi's sleeve, "Let's go dance!"

     "Ugh," he downed the punch in his hand and nodded reluctantly, "Yeah, alright."

     She practically dragged him onto the dance floor, squeezing past all the other drunk teenagers (and Kirumi). It was quite easy due to their small size.

     Himiko bopped along with the music and grabbed the leader's hand. She looked around and copied how everyone else was dancing, though the sounds and lights around her felt all hazy and blurry by now.

     About half an hour later and the two teens had wandered away from the dancing crowd. Himiko had already stayed at the party for longer than she thought she would, and downed much more drinks at that. Kokichi was only now feeling the buzz of his drinks, seeing that he had a higher alcohol tolerance than most.

     The two were now standing in a mostly empty hallway talking. It had gotten too loud for the small girl's pounding head.

     The conversation was going quite smoothly for two drunk teens, though every so often Himiko would stop talking and just stare at Kokichi. It made him slightly unnerved, and everytime it happened his face got a little more red.

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