~Chapter 20 pt 2~

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~Back in Anacentia~

- 2 months before-
The day after Isabella was casted into deep sleep.

Christina sat before her sister. Marissa slightly laughed as she nodded. "Do you want to say something?" Marissa asked.

Christina stayed silent which annoyed Marissa.

"So you're just gonna sit there hoping I'll say something to help your little friend back there huh?" Marissa snarled.

"I'm not too worried about her. She may be trapped, but not forever." Christina stood as she crossed her arms.

"Tch...you rely on people too much." Marissa looked away. Her thoughts couldn't bare to remember the past.

"What made you this way?...why are you acting like this? Was is because of what happened so long ago?" Christina walked towards the cell doors, "Was it the fact that you accidentally killed half a village. Which led to us and mom having to run away because you couldn't face...which is probably why mother died!"

Marissa raised her slept but was slammed back from the chains.

"You have no right! to speak of such thing." Marissa yelled out, "I never meant to hurt anyone! Including mother!"

Christina grabbed the bars, "Then was act out with no heart towards my people!"

"Because you let them take me!" Marissa silenced as she breathed heavily.

Christina let go of the bars and her hands slowly fell to her side.

"That's enough for today..." Christina made her way to the staircase.

"Christina!! Face it...you're selfish! You left me to save yourself! Admit it!" Marissa continued to scream and fight against the chains as Christina disappeared up the stairs.

Once Christina had closed the door which lead down the cell, Max was waiting.

Christina couldn't handle the feeling of guilt. A tear fell from her face and she squeezed the feeling of the door handle. Max placed his hands on Christina's shoulder. "Let go...get some rest." Max touched her hand and removed it from the door.
Christina shook her head,"No, I need to do something." Christina left down the hall towards Isabella's room.

She entered and Riley was fast asleep in a chair next to the bedside where Isabella laid.

"I'm going to get you out of there...I promise. I won't leave another soul ever again."

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