~Chapter 23~

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Riley stood by the window, looking out at the village. This place still untouched...wondering what it was like outside of the blackhole since Marissa burned down the actual place.

Deep in thought, he pictured Isabella, waiting for her to wake up. He began to remember the moment she had placed her lips on him. Her true inner powers has awoken by kissing him. He wondered if Isabella truly had feeling for him.

"Riley...why don't you go out and do something...you making this room feel edgy." Max said stopping by the door before he left.

Riley snarled up and turned to look at Isabella. He then left the room to find Gilliest.

He walked up Gilliest who waited beside Christina.

"Anything yet?" Riley asked.

Gilliest sighed, "This takes time. Christina knows what she is doing. Isabella has to gain enough memory on her own to be able to take control. In this types of spells, isabella is trapped without another creation. She has to wake up there to wake up here."

Riley crossed his arms and doubted, "I have to believe in Isabella...I know she can do this...I know it..."

Gilliest looked over at Riley.

"Calm down will you, she'll be fine. No harm can come inside a dream spell. As long as her body is here, they will both make it back safely."

Riley could see how Gilliest looked over at Christina's sleeping body.

"Do you...have feelings for the queen?" Riley then added.

Gilliest unexpectedly answered, "I'm afraid I do...I've been stuck like this for too long...I don't think I'll ever be able to transform back."

Riley felt bad for Gilliest. He knew what it was like to feel for someone but he couldn't imagine being trapped inside an animal's body.

"Riley, when Isabella develops her memories, that's when you must step in and guide her further.." Gilliest said turning to me.

"I can go where they are?" Riley asked.

Gilliest nodded.

At this point, all they could do is stand by and hope Isabella speaks out towards the other.

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