Confidence Boost

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Ever since what had happened with his parents, Bakugou found himself with an absolutely massive ego. Well, even more so than normal.

He'd had a smile on his face at work, had even greeted people as they had arrived. The way he talked to people was generally a lot less harsh, even his own assigned writers.

The name Katsuki Bakugou was known in the industry as one of the scariest manga editors to work with due to his brash attitude and inability to compromise. However, he was damn good at his job and every single one of the books he worked on all sold and sold well. He was still so young but was highly respected at the prestigious company he worked at.

However, for the first time in his career, he had only given a few suggestions once receiving a storyboard and even then they were just suggestions. It wasn't bad judgement but he'd normally be a lot harsher with what he put through.

It was easy for those around him to tell that something was definitely off, they just couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

"Hey, Bakugou!" Uraraka, the head of the production of the shoujo manga category, had visited his cubicle after he'd gotten back from his lunch break.

They knew each other from school and had, over time, built up an almost equal relationship. Whether he would admit it or not, the people he spent high school with were bound to be friends for life for the sole reason that he was used to them, they were used to his ways and had eventually begun to learn how to deal with and talk to him.

"What is it?" He asked, placing his pencil down as he actually turned to give the girl his attention.

She blinked, staring wide-eyed at his weirdly cheery expression.

"What the fuck is wrong with you recently? Since Monday you've been acting weird and we're actually terrified." It wasn't like her to cuss but she felt as though to get through to him she had to speak his language. Hell, she hadn't even heard him cuss since the previous week.

"Have I? Ya think?"

"You told Izuku to 'keep up the good work'. You've been greeting everyone every morning, even made coffee for you entire division. Bakugou, you didn't scream after receiving a storyboard." The brown haired girl listed the first things that came to mind, still barely even able to accept it all as reality.

The blonde laughed, smiling as he faced forward for a second. It did sound really strange honestly but he couldn't help it. The relief in the aftermath of the previous week just had him on cloud nine and until he settled down as this really sank in, it would continue to be that way. He had maybe a few more days at least, people should've just enjoyed it while it lasted.

"I guess you're right. There's just something good that's happened recently. Also, there's something I'm looking forward to." That same determined look was in his eye as it always was but there was so much more to it.

Uraraka was quite frankly disgusted. It was almost gross to see Katsuki this bright, with eyes that actually looked creased as he smiled. It was good he was happy but he normally expresses it differently.

"Oh yeah? What's that, then?" She began taking a sip from the cup of coffee, almost sceptical that something could actually have happened to cheer him up this much.

"I'm going to ask Eijirou out." The determined look in his eyes, the way his lips curled up into a smile at the edges, it was so??? Not Bakugou??? That's not even mentioning what he actually said.

Now Uraraka was expecting anything but that. She spat out the sip of coffee, thankfully not getting any on the white shirt that was sat under her blazer and tie.

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