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          As soon as we got to the building where our crew was, and where Andrew's boss worked at, we parked and rushed in to room 315 (which was located on the 3rd floor), rushing in and scaring our crew. 

          "Uh, hi, Emmeline, Eveline and Andrew." Audrey said uncertainly. 

          "Hi, crew." Andrew replied. I counted the members. sixteen members. So everyone had all decided to come, as Andrew said. "The other crews in this building have also decided to cooperate. There are also visitors coming from Greece, China, Rome, Canada, England, France, Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, India, Puerto Rico, Korea, Japan, Carolina ---" 

          "We've heard enough." Helena interrupted, rolling her eyes rudely.

          "--- and Madagascar." Andrew finished. Helena sighed. Andrew ignored her and waved his hand at the seats. 

          "Everyone, sit down." He said. Emmeline and I went to two seats that were next to each other, which Katherine and Madeline had been saving for us. We sat down and quietly thanked them.

          "Ahem, Jade Crew. Everyone, get into groups of six. You get to chose, unless this goes out of order." Andrew says. 

          Emmeline, Katherine, Madeline, Audrey, Caroline and I all go into a group. Helena smiles smugly at her friends: Stella, Yasmine, Abigail, Gina, and Ariana. The boys, Kalen, Alex, Matthew, Kaden, Daniel, and Anthony get into a group. Andrew nods, satisfied.   

          "We've got the battle planes are outside on the blacktop. Right now you can look at them. But when they come, everyone sit back down." Andrew said. Everyone rushed to the windows, except for Emmeline and me. We walked over to Andrew, who looked surprised that we came. 

          "How did you tell all of the other countries so quickly?" I blurted. Emmeline glared at me. Andrew shrugged.

          "I just Skyped them." He said. "When they heard the news and got evidence, they immediately agreed to send their best crews here to fight." We nodded. Andrew smiled at us, and walked to a window to watch. 

          Just then, Helena gasped. "There's people on the blacktop!" She cries. Andrew waves his hand. 

          "Nah, it's just the other crew members."  Andrew says. "Which reminds me, we have to go." We all file out. 

          "Let's go, crew!" He says enthusiastically, trying to cheer us up, trying to steer us away from the fact that we might all die. We walk down the halls, taking the elevators (There were four), and finally walking into the blacktop. The other crews (Quartz, Opal, Moonstone and Platinum) were already waiting.

          "Captain Andrew," The other crew captains say. Andrew nods at them. 

          "Captains Beatrice, Amber, Lucy, and Joshua." Andrew said politely. "Into Plane 306, shall we?" The other captains nods. They follow Andrew into the maze of planes, and soon disappear.

          "Guys," Emmeline says. She takes out a neatly folded piece of paper out of her pocket. 

          "Our plane is Plane 315. Hmm. Strange. That was our room number from the future." She shrugs. 

          "Oh well. Em probably did that." Our tiny crew looked confused, but they didn't ask any questions. 

          "Now we have to find the plane." I said. Everyone nods, and we split up. 

          We searched for a very short time before we hear Katherine's voice. "I found it!" She cries. We all rush to where Katherine is, and indeed she did. Plane 315 glittered. 

          "Let's climb in!" I say. Emmeline runs to the plane, doing something. When she is done, the plane stairs fall down from the plane. 

          "Let's go!" She cries. I will never figure out how she is with problems. Our crew and I rush into the plane, and when all of us is inside, the stairs click shut. We take in the scene, except for Emmeline, who tries to work out the controls. 

          Before long, we are done exploring, and Emmeline and I sit in the pilot's and copilot's seats. Audrey, Katherine, Caroline, and Madeline sit in the back.

            "I can't wait!" Madeline says. Everyone agrees. Our friends in the back watches for the foreign people to arrive while I watch all of the other crews (including ours) to go into their own planes. Soon, there is no one in sight.

           "Why aren't they coming yet?" Madeline murmurs. The foreign people still hadn't come. So, we waited a few more minutes. 

          Just as I was beginning to think that maybe the other countries tricked us, The planes fly in. But they don't land. Andrew's voice goes over the radio. 

          "Crews, the Bermuda Triangle Battle has begun. Fly into the air in formation, going with your crew. Moonstone Crew, your planes are #307, #308, and #309. Opal Crew, your planes are #310, #311, and #313. Jade Crew, your planes are #314, #315, and #316. Quartz Crew, your planes are #317, #318, and #319. Finally, Platinum Crew, your planes are #320, #321, and #322. Never go out of formation. End." Andrew said, finishing his extremely long paragraph. 

          "Let's fly." I tell my sister. Emmeline nods, directing the plane up. We shoot up to the sky, all of the other planes doing the same. It was hard not bumping into other planes. I scan the plane numbers until I find numbers 314 and 316 together. 

          "There!" I cry. Emmeline flies to them. The planes immediately go in back, allowing our plane to take front, creating the equilateral triangle formation. Emmeline sighs and flew into front. Even Helena's plane didn't want to be front, because we were better in the Bermuda Triangle than her. Go figure.

          Andrew's voice crackles over the radio again. "Crews, line up in a row behind Plane 306, because it is the Captains' plane. Keep in formations, and do not hesitate or fly faster. Thank you. End." I take a deep breath.

          We were plunging, again, into the dangerous Bermuda Triangle.              

Saving the Bermuda Triangle; Book 2 in the Bermuda Triangle SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now