Mario: nooooo
Mario & Luigi:nooooo
Mario & Luigi & cuphead: soooooooo
Mario & Luigi & cuphead & mugman: nooooooooo. This bullshit so we will sing about it. Bom bom!AJ: no stop it you four are already hurting my ears.
They gave a smile.
Four hours later of none stop quartet singing.
AJ: I am deaf now.
Luigi" I don't believe you.
Mario: I got this.
He shouted into a microphone that was up against AJ ear.
Mario: not a flinch. Was out singing that bad.
Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Everything Needs A Trilogy
Humortwo story's that both have 200 chapters and I haven't even scratched the surface don't expect this to be 200 like the last two. but These are a few ships I messed. (Manly RPG games and crossover ships)