Mario: come on give me some food.
Brock: no I am not going to use my drying pan as a frying pan for someone like you.
Mario: bitch don't hate me for being great. Maybe if you weren't such a simp you will have some britches on your dick. And maybe if you fix that yee yee ass haircut the girls that actually did like would have stuck around in more episodes instead of being gone and most likely fucking another man.
Mario: nigga.
Mario and his surroundings blew up because he didn't have the N word pass.
Mario and Luigi reaction to ships Everything Needs A Trilogy
Humortwo story's that both have 200 chapters and I haven't even scratched the surface don't expect this to be 200 like the last two. but These are a few ships I messed. (Manly RPG games and crossover ships)