Jumpers and famorians

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"How long do I have, desmond?" He looks down at his hands- he gets out of the chair sitting across from me and then faces the window,

"Have you read the book I suggested?" He crosses his arms- it's been three days since the bridge incident, every day around 4:30 Pm Desmond come to my room and checks in on me for at least an hour. 

"Don't change the subject, please. I can't even get out of bed anymore- look at me! I look like a ghost." He turns around and his face looks guilty, I shouldn't have snapped. 

"I know, I just don't want to scare you. But if you insist, gabe says you have by the end of tomorrow. I tried my best to-" He stops mid sentence, I got curious. To answer his question, I have read the book; In Fact I just got done with a section that made me curious. I remove the blankets that are weighing me down, I move my legs to hover over the mattress- I look so ugly, what kind of spell is code red? I set my feet on the floor, one after the other one. I push myself off the bed in a standing position. I stand for a straight minute before buckling.

"Alannah!" He runs, not like any normal person or he wouldn't have made it in time. I knew it- he is! He holds me in his arms, brushing the hair out of my face.

"You're a vampire." I say. How else could he have reached me in time? The reason I keep forgetting things is because of him. It's not compulsion but something else the book wasn't clear on it. 

"Are you scared?" He lifts me on the bed, placing me perfectly he then places the blankets over me. I look at him- mesmerized

"Never." How can a man be so shocked by the words of a women? He laughs, his eyes glowing red just like the night with Jeremiah. 

"I just don't understand you Alannah." He brushes my hair away from my face. He walks out of the room, the hour is up then. I'm so sick of this spell already. I pick up the book that was next to me and flip open the page I was on titled 'Jumper'. Isn't this what Jeremiah was? 


Also known as 'Timeline manipulators'. Jumpers use someone's timeline to change the fate of their own. They are known for their endless contracts with the fomorians- sea monsters. They take on endless forms to hide their true identity, when Jumpers ignore their duties and hide in someone's timeline, they have the power to rip them from the seams and kill the person's timeline off. Jumpers can never be found easily but when you see one appear- they've manipulated your timeline, that is when it's too late because whenever you find a jumper, you've found a famorian. 

"Oh my god." I close the book- Ms. Dean is a-" I flip the blankets off me once more and grab the chair next to me, I hoist myself into the chair- I'm huffing and puffing already. That's when it hit me. 

"Desmond, come quickly!" I yell. He's twelve doors down- I know he's listening. That's when I hear his footsteps- he slams open the door. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. 

"I know where Jeremiah is." 


Desmonds grasp on me is firm, he's scared for me. I hate being carried like a little baby but I can't walk. 

*Click, clack, click* 

"Shit." Desmond lets out. He closes his eyes, I caress his face with my hand unprepared for what comes next. His eyes open, and looks across the hall, majika is staring at us. She hides behind the opened door, her eyes flash into a bright purple and the barrier encloses on us, desmond continues to walk right past Ms. Dean. His pace quickens, we're not running out of time but he's making it seem like it. When we get outside he sets me on the grass then pulling out his phone. 

"Gabe, 101. Right now!" He yells into the phone picking me up again. He runs in the direction of the woods before Cerina calls out behind us, 

"Desmond! Where are you taking Alannah?" Her voice has a slight hint of worry. He sighs and looks at her with sincerity. 

"The effacing room." He turns around and begins to walk, 

"Promise me she'll come back." She yells. Desmond smiles and looks behind him, 

"I promise." Desmond has a shell over himself most of the time but right now he doesn't, he's totally cracked.  

I see Gabe in the distance, he's holding open a car door- black shiny lincoln car. He looks professional, always carrying a suitcase. Desmond taps into his vampire speed (that's how I can humanly describe) and runs over to the car, gently setting me down inside. 

Wherever we're going it's far away from the school- we've arrived at a cabin somewhere. Desmond looking out of the window, his thumb and index finger supporting his face. 

"what are you thinking about Desmond?"  His attention didn't leave from the window, in fact he is so deep in thought he didn't even register my voice. 

"Child- Alannah Desmond has gotten awfully close to you- don't you think that could become dangerous?" My eyebrow raises at the question. Desmond is helping out a friend, we haven't gotten close at all. 

"Why would it be dangerous?" He looks at me through the rearview mirror now his eyebrow is raised. 

"Don't you know?" I nod my head no, with every breath I feel even more tired.

"Well, think about it. Why else would you be on level D? Isn't that only for the supernatural?" 

*Glass shattering* 

I see Desmond looking infuriated, so I was in a 'private room'. Desmond wasn't in deep thought- he couldn't hear me. 

"What were you two talking about?" He asks looking in my eyes. 

"He was telling me it was dangerous to get close to you. He was speculating something about me being on  Level D" 


Desmond was infuriated about the speculation but Gabe settled him down with a simple word 'Superstition'.   

Desmond picks me up and scoots his boot out the car, the way the light reflects on my skin already makes me feel something again, the cool air blowing it's crips air into my lungs feels amazing. Wait- what about desmond? I look at him- but there is nothing, that when he catches me looking.

"What did you expect? Me burning in the sunlight? Or glowing like a million crystals? That's all fairytale stuff. Being in the sun has a different affect on us. The longer we stay in it the more weaker we get so I hope that I never catch myself fighting on a very sunny day. Listen, I know you have more questions but let's wait till your all better. You may not remember everything we've been through after this." His eyes grow sad and so do mine. If I forget- I don't want to. I can feel my tear ducts swell my nose stinging. 

"stop." I say, he does. 

"Stand me up please."  He lets me down on to the ground- it feels good putting my feet down onto solid ground. He places my hands on his shoulders grabbing me by the waist- for support. 

"Desmond- promise me that if this works you will do everything in your power to get me to remember you." 

"I promise- scouts honor." I smile- I can't believe I'm going to do this. I use the last of my energy to get up on my tippy toes to reach his height- more importantly his lips. I come in closer to him until our lips clash, this kiss wasn't staged but passion and concern. I remove my lips and right then I buckle, Desmond catching me. 

"If I can't remember you no matter how hard you try- do that. I will never forget."

He puts me in a position to carry me, walking me into the house- but oh boy was I wrong. It looks like a lair, there's a metal table with utensils and science microscopes, but most importantly a giant machine hanging from the ceiling. 

 So this is what's going to kill me? 

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