Chapter 4

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 Hey guys! So, celebratory update today becuase it's snowing here in Maryland!!! Yay!! Happy (really belated) New Year, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukka, and all that jazz.  So, without further ado, here is the next installation of Bandit!


        I woke up the next morning and switched on the "electrical" lamp.  Today is the day I meet this Mr. Stark. I crawl out of the comfortable bed and put on the clothes I have been wearing for a few years.  I have to say, I am not as excited as I probably should be.  I mean, it is New York City, and even in my day it was an extremely busy city, so I can not imagine it now.  Though, I am slightly excited to see AgentI Barton or Clint, again.  he was very nice and polite.  He intrigues me.  As soon as I finish up in my room I wander back out into the hallway only to see Agent Barton emerge from room as well.

        "Good morning, Agent Barton," I greet him.

        "Hey," he says grumplily, obviously not accustomed to rising as early.  "They told me you were up and asked me to 'keep an eye on you'.  So, ready to go to breakfast?" he asked quickly, clearly not supposed to have told me he was required to watch me.

        How the hell did 'they' know I was up anyway? Nobody had come into my room and there were no windows so no one could have seen in. "Yes," I say shortly, suspiciously.

        "Right this way," he ushers me down the hall. We make our way through the corridors and eventually ending up in the dining are labeled cafeteria. He opens up the door, "ladies first."


        I cracked a smile as Clint did a suprisingly accurate impression of Agent Coulson.  We were in the "quinjet" almost to New York.  My innitial reaction to this quinjet was certainly a sight, especially when we took off.  I do not understand how it works but it is incredible; I could see for miles and we soared through the air so fast.  I am told that this is a very special plane and that most are not like this one. 

        "Well there's the big city, right over there," Clint points out.

        "What in God's name is that?!" I point at the giant green lady holding a torch and wearing some kind of toga thing.

        "You mean you don't- never mind.  That's the Statue of Liberty.  It was a gift from the French.  Damn its hard to believe how long you were out.  Even longer than that Captain guy."

        I don't bother to ask who Captain was and just marvel at the large statue.  We fly over monstous buildings until we get to biggest of all: Stark Tower.  It was quite a sight.  On the way over Clint had explained how electricity worked and how everyone has it along with indoor plumbing (which is also very nice).  I also got a breif overview of everything I missed.  The seventies seem very interesting.  He said Tony's place and SHIELD bases have much more technology than regular places and to not expect to get everything right away and Tony will teach me all about it.  

        We land on top of Stark Tower and there's a man with a goatee and pinkish glasses with some sort of alchohal in a glass in his hand.  The door at the back of plane open up and Clint and I exit the quinjet.  We walk up to whom I assume to be Mr. Stark.  The man takes a sip of his drink, eyeing me from behind his pink glasses.  

        I decide to speak up first.  "Hello, my name is Anna-" he interrupts me.

        "Yeah, yeah, Anna Moore.  I know all about you.  I have to say, you're more attractive in person.  Kinda hard to see what you look like in faded black and white pics or surveillance cameras with a bandana on your face."

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