Oh My God😮😮

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So , after changing I was all in a relaxed mode . I sat down on the couch , switched on the TV and was watching Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets . I was so deeply engrossed into it that I wasn't aware of who was sitting besides me in the chair. It was Shubie, oh hell questions came one after the other into my mind
1)Why's he here??
2) Is it just a simple dinner with him or an official dinner date??
3)What if he proposes 😱😱
But then I was like SIGMA stop thinking all this bullshit and concentrate on Harry.

Shubman:Hey, get ready. We goin for dinner as per you promised.
Me:I'm tired, I can't move
He came closer, I felt his breath over me . What a moment, I was mesmerised by his presence. I got lost in those beautiful eyes staring at me. That smile which carried two dimples on cheeks.Oh my God what's happening to me, even I did not know. I was Falling for him slowly and steadily. We both had no idea that we were just staring at each other since last 16 minutes but then Jesscoooo broke the silence.

Jessica: O hello lovebirds, come to senses and go for dinner. So that I can peacefully enjoy someone's company.
Me:Love.... Lovebirds.. wh...whoop
Shubman: Exactly Jessica, who you talking about?
Jessica: Chomus, I know Haan . Romance was in the air. Even I could feel it. You guys were breathtaking.

So then, I changed my clothes to a black shorts and an sky-blue tang top. Then we headed out of the room. By we, I mean me and Shubman Gill. I still had no idea who Jesscoooo was gonna meet. Well apparently, she won't tell me at the moment cause she loves to keep secrets and then revealing them the moment I'm dead of waiting for the suspenses to be unveiled...............

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