chapter 7

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When Jen got up she felt like she had needles in her arm. She screamed softly as Ezio was asleep on her arm. Ezio shot up eyes wide as Jen rubbed her arm pulling it close to her self. "You ok?" Ezio asked. Jen didn't say anything as Ezio looked at her.

Today was the day of the ball. Jen tried to forget  about her burning arm as she got up from bed. She walked over to the bathroom and turned the water on, leaving the door open on purpose. She waited behind the door as she waited for Ezio to come. Ezio got the hint and headed to the bathroom. Ezio smirked at Jen as she watched Jen change out of her clothes.

Jen blushed and quickly ram to the tub, sitting in the water as she waited for Ezio to join her. Ezio soon joined Jen in the tub as she wrapped her arms around Jens waist pulling her onto Ezios lap. Jen smiled as she blushed turning red. As soon as they finished showering, they dried off. Ezio picked Jen up and carried he  to the bed. Jen waited as Ezio grabbed her dress and shoes as well as Jen's.

They both put on their dresses as Jen got up from the bed. She didn't put her heels on yet as she went and sat on the small dresser that held her make up and hair straightener. Jen quickly straightened her hair, and flipped half on the opposite side. She then tucked the ends in so it looked better. As Jen did this Ezio went downstairs to wait as she didn't do her make up. Jen then put the straightener away as she grabbed her box of nail polish and put it in front of her. She made her eyes shadow like a Smokey texture and applied red lip gloss. She applied eye liner and mascara, as well as blush.

As soon as she finished she put on her heels and walked down the stairs. As Ezio heard Jen coming she stood up and watched in awe as Jen made her way down the stairs. Ezio smiled as her dad picked Jen up and swung her lightly around. "You look beautiful Jen" he said to her as she blushed and nodded a thank you. "You look great" Ezio said as she grabbed Jens hand and walked with her to the car. One thing Jen knew that Ezio didn't was that both of their college applications went in and the returning papers were coming back tonight. "Put the paper in my drawer once it comes"Jen whispered.

Once they arrived at the ball they took pictures and went to find their friends. They didn't dance because neither one of them were dancers. They sat and talked story to their friends. Once the dance was over they headed home. "You okay?" Ezio asked Jen as she noticed Jen was a little nervous to go home. Jen nodded to Ezio as she really wasn't okay.

As they pulled into the drive way Ezios dad came out to help both the girls out of the car. Jen found this strange as she looked at him. He didn't say anything though. When both girls went to bed they slept in each other's arms. Once it was two in the morning and Jen knew Ezio was fully asleep. She slipped out of bed and went to her dresser. She grabbed the envelope and went to the bathroom. Jen locked the door and sat on the carpet. She peeled the letter open softly as she grabbed the papers from. The address in the from was from Boston University. Jen held her breath as she unfolded the paper reading 'Dear Jen, we would like to inform you that we got your application papers and are proud to say that we would like you to join our reading and writing program here at Boston University.'Jen smiled super big as she heard a knock on the door. She knew it was Ezios dad as she opened the door slightly.

"You got into Washington too" he said with a smile but Jen knew he wasn't happy. This decision decides her fate and relationships ship. Jen had been dreaming of Boston since she was little. She sighed softly as she teared up. He gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the head. "I'll tell her tomorrow for you, while you are at work" he said. "Did you get the full scholarship?" he asked. Jens smile widened as she nodded her head more and be hugged her once more. "That's my girl" Jen froze as she heard him say that and smiled when he left the room and Jen went to bed.

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