Chapter 5: Destiny

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I woke up near the lake again, well didn't wake up... This was a dream, yes, but it felt so real it almost didn't seem like it. Finally Squirrelflight would teach me how to make it in the world again. Maybe I could even teach Owl. But this wasn't the name part of the lake as last time, I looked to the right and from far away I could barely spot a tree line. That was where I normally was... But where was I now and where was Squirrelflight.
"Hello Moon..." Said a cat from not to far away. I didn't recognise this cat... The only other cat that had been in my dreams besides Squirrellflight was Firestar... He kind of scared me, he was looking at me with what looked like a crooked smile. I stepped back a little and he stopped smiling.
"Where am I? And who are you? Where is Squirrelflight? She is supposed to be teaching me how to hunt out in the woods today." I said to him. He sat down and began licking between his legs. Was he just going to ignore me? This cat seemed a little weird and I couldn't tell if he was good or not.
"I am Onestar, I was once the leader of Windclan a long time ago. I do not know where she is at but I can tell you that you will be learning how to hunt today..." Onestar said to me and then began heading a little bit closer to me. There it was something about clans again. I had no clue what exactly those things were but I had heard the word several times.
"What is Windclan? What are these clans everyone keeps talking about?" I said to him. He smiled and then just ignored my question, which did irritate me a little bit. I never understood what they were talking about, they just always told me that it was my destiny to rebuild the clans. How could I rebuild something if I had no clue what it was in the first place?
"Now today we are going to be teaching you to hunt rabbits... Since your near the moorlands... The area that you are in right now, I have teach you how to do this before you must head on your journey..." Onestar said to me. Its almost like he had no idea what I was saying the first place. And for a second I kind of thought that these dreams were just preplanned in my head from the day before. It would make sense... Maybe I was born with some since of how to hunt and i just had to find that from inside my head...
"Okay... What is a rabbit?" I asked him, he continued to smile which was actually starting to annoy me. And then he nudged me as if he was asking me to follow him. He then ran off and I ran after him. He then was nearby and nodded for me to lower my head.
"That over there is a rabbit, they are huge and are enough to feed at least 2 cats for a whole day." Onestar said to me. I had seen those a few times before and I had seen 1 on my way when I found Owl. They didn't look like food and they did look like they were scared of me too.  "Now i need you to watch me carefully, this is sort of like learning how to catch a mouse but it is a little different."
I watched him as he lowered his head making sure the rabbit wasn't looking at him. Then he ran and caught it before it had time to jump. He then bit down on its throat for the kill blow. That was a lot different actually... The mice were way faster, and had faster reaction times too. Those were just overall bigger.
"Alright Moon, now it is you turn... There is one over there." Onestar said to me pointing his paw over to an area. I saw nothing but then suddenly it seemed as if it appeared out of nowhere. There were 2 just sitting there together. I began heading towards them lowered my head to make sure they didn't hear or see me.
Suddenly one hopped up and saw me, then so did the other... Then they both began too run... I ran after them too... I was slightly faster and I began to catch up to them. Suddenly they disappeared from nowhere. And i looked around a bit confused. Where in the world did they just disappear too? This was a dream after all, maybe they just weren't really there in the first place.
"Where did they go? I was about to catch them!" I yelled, a bit upset that they had just suddenly gone away like that. Onestar walked over to me smiling...
"Look... They can see you from 100 tailengths away.. You might think you can catch up to them... They have little burrows inside the ground that they like to hide in to get away from any sort of predators such as us." Onestar said to me. I nodded my head in return as he pointed to a few more rabbits closer to the lake... It actually kind of scared me to go anywhere near that because my old female owner used to put me in these big tubs of water and it was heard to swim. This like looked a million times bigger than that... Maybe even bigger than that. It seemed as if it was never ending...
I lowered my head and then began heading towards them making sure I was not in their sight this time. I slowly began to getting closer and closer to them. Then once I was a few tailengths from one of them I ran as fast as I could... Maybe I could have gone a little bit further but I still was going to easily catch them. Onestar yelled at me from far away.
"Make sure you bite down on their throat." He told me. I kept that in my mind and they then saw me coming and quickly began to scurry off. If I wasn't so fast then they might have gotten away. But I got one of them before it even had a chance to began running away. I bit down on its throat to make sure it wouldn't run of like that mouse did in the barn last night.
I was thankful for Onestars help as I was running towards it. I probably would not get another chance like that again. He smiled as he began heading towards me from afar. I happily began strutting over to him with the very big rabbit hanging from my mouth. It was actually insanely heavy and I wasn't sure how long I could actually realistically hold that up.
"Put it down I can see its painful for you." He told me... I nodded gratefully and then put it down... He then began to eat it, which confused me because he had just caught his own somewhere nearby.
"That was awesome, whenever I rebuild the clans or whatever they are exactly... Im going to teach all my friends how to hunt like you guys. I'll teach Owl how to hunt tomorrow." I told him. He looked down a little sadly... Maybe he didn't think I would actually be able to rebuild the clans. I had remembered Squirrelflight had told said to Firestar one night that I would never be able to rebuild them. I was sure I was going to be able to do it though, I just didn't really know exactly what they were in the first place. Maybe it was some sort of group of cats... Maybe thats why they had so many of them.
"Yes you will do so... Take a quick little bite... You will catch a much better one tomorrow with your little friend." Onestar responded to me. I went towards it and took a quick few bites. It was good but not as good as that mouse I had caught from yesterday. Still a lot better than the food that my owners used to give me. I sighed a little bit, I had to stop thinking about them, if they even cared about me one bit then they wouldn't have thrown me out and not let me back in, no matter how many times I had scratched against that door... The male owner yelled a few times and kicked against the door but they never would let me back in.
"Goodbye Moon, I will see you a while from now... Stay safe out there." He told me... Then he began to disappear along with the rabbit. I knew what time it was at this point. I was used to it no matter how badly I wanted to stay inside those dreams and keeping learning and having a never ending supply of food. But then finally I fell back down to sleep from inside my dream.

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