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Something seemed a bit off today in the atmosphere. It did not seem bad at all for the group, nor did it seem bad at all for anyone. Still, something seemed a bit strange for me, I had not talked to the spirit cats in a while. It seemed a bit strange to my, I could not help but feel afraid for all of the cats in my tribe.
It did not seem like it was something scary that would effect the tribe though. I was worried about Kettle and Oister, and the other cats that were with them none the less. They were all both fairly young, Kettle had just passed his kit stage not less than a few months ago when he had first been found in our territory.
I felt good for him though, they were some of the best cats in the tribe, but if it meant saving the clans I would do it in a heartbeat. They were made by our tribe, a long time ago. They would not know it, but it was true, some of them may be my kin.
I walked out of my small little cave though, I saw a few cats look up at me including the older ones, I was tempted to go for them to get advice, Kettle was the main one I usually did. We grew up together, but we had strayed apart when I became the new Stoneteller. It was not but a few moons ago.
Now he was gone, but I knew it was for the better, and I knew that it was destiny. I still did not know how to lead the tribe, there was so much I needed to learn and I would always look to Kettle for that advice.
Now he was gone, I knew it was for a better cause. All the cats around me in the big clearing to the cave all looked at me, they then looked away when they noticed that I saw them staring at me. I could not blame them, some of them were really young and I hardly ever came out.
That was what I had to do as their leader. I was not supposed to go out I was supposed to look for the spirits for advice, and I was supposed to look for the best way to lead this tribe. They were not talking to me, were they mad that I let Kettle and Oister go?
Impossible, they were the ones that told me to do it in the first place. Why were they not talking to me? I always looked for them for advice, but I had heard nothing since Kettle and Oister had left. Did they regret their decision? Had something happened to them?
I was tempted to send a group of cats after them, their scent would be long gone, I did not know where they would have gone. I shivered, something did not seem right in the air, it was not an attack on our tribe what could it possibly be?
I walked out of the large cave, a shecat looked at me for a few seconds not knowing what to say or whether to bow to me. I nodded to her and she nodded back and then she went right into the cave. I wanted to talk to the cats, most of them knew me before I was Stoneteller but I knew that was not my job.
I looked around, something did not feel right, I began walking in a direction, I swear I could smell the scent of another cat from very far away. It was a bit strange to me because I was not the best at marking scents. No other cat seemed to notice it.
I slowly began following it, it was heading to the left, the same direction that Kettle had found Moon and Mint. Was there I cat I was supposed to meet? What was going on. I quickly began to move at a fast walk.
It seemed important but I could not tell what it was. As I moved closer and closer the scent seemed to move in towards me as well. I was so close to it, I could almost feel it on my body. Suddenly I walked in to something. It was warm and soft.
I looked down and I noticed that it was a cat. It had brown fur and a white striped that was large on the neck and got smaller and smaller as it went down to the belly. I jumped backwards and said sorry to the cat.
I could tell the cat had not eaten it days, its body was weak. I did not know what to do, I looked around, I did not really know how to hunt, and I could not smell any prey nearby. I looked at him for a few more seconds. If this cat did not get water or food soon it would die, I realized that and then I got up.
I had to get back to the cave and tell the other cats. I began running back, every cats life was special I could not just leave this cat to die. Once I was right in front of the cave I ran into the same shecat once again.
"Pinto I need your help, there is a cat that is near death I need you to help me save him." I said to her. She looked at me a bit surprised but then she nodded. She ran and grabbed some moss right beside the cave entrance and then she ran over to the nearby water pool and began soaking up the moss.
Once she was ready she nodded to me and I began taking her over to where the brown cat was sitting on life support. Once we were there, the cat looked up at us with his head, his eyes were crisp and it looked like he had not slept in a while either.
When Pinto gave him the water he began happily lapping it up I could tell that he was near death, every time he lapped on the water his head shook and shivered as he drank into it. I nodded for Pinto and told her to go and hunt.
I sat there for a few moments, odds are this cat was going to die, I could just tell based on his body condition right now. He looked like he had gone from fat to skinny in just a few days.
Pinto came back and she had a mouse for the poor little cat. He nodded to her and managed to give her a little smile. I could tell that she liked the cat, I could not blame her, he was a good looking cat. He began chewing into the mouse. After a few more moments he managed to stand up to his feet.
He now did not look like he was going to die but he still did look like he needed a few days of rest. He looked at us and nodded, I could see the look on Pintos face. She was a bit of a younger cat, she was the sister of Oister and I knew she had felt alone now that her sister had left.
"Thank you... It has been days... I am on a journey." He said to me. I looked at him a bit surprised. The spirit cats had not told me that another cat would come so soon for another journey. But then again they had not told me anything lately.
"Get some rest first... You need some sleep, we have a cave where with some nest you can sleep in." Pinto said to him. I nodded to her, she was doing a good job, I was proud of her, she had changed a bit since her sister had left.
"Thank you... What is your names? My name is Owl."

Alone (A Warrior Cat Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now