Chapter 15: Time To Go

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It had been a few days that we had been in the ditch. Mint was getting better, she was slightly walking right now but she was not fully healed. The last few days I had switched between Squirrelflight, Jayfeather and Lionblaze. It was something new and I actually kind of liked it.
I looked at Mint from nearby, she was sleeping, she needed to sleep a lot to fully heal. She was so sweet and I just liked even looking at her. She made my day, and I felt so bad for her that this had happened to her.
Lionblaze kept telling me sorry for this that it happened but I didnt really blame him. He didn't really know this was going to happen and Id rather learn to hunt than to fight first. Or else I would be out here starving.
I just felt so had for Mint, she had followed me here because she had told me right of the start she could tell that I was the one for her. I hadn't felt the same way right away but she was so sweet and was just a real cat.
I loved her, it was a thing I hadn't really ever felt. I loved Tristan, but that was a different sort of love. It was late at night I just couldn't sleep no matter how bad I tried. I didn't want to go out there either there wouldn't really be much to learn how to hunt.
I moved closer towards her, I felt her pelt as it warmed up the both of us. She began purring even though she was asleep. It made me feel so much better about myself now that I had another cat that cared so much about me.
On that note I then began to fall asleep.

I woke up and began looking around. I smelt so many cats but I couldn't see any. I could smell a few that's I knew but I also saw smelt that I did not know.
I didn't see anything nearby me though even though I could smell all of them. I continued to look around when all of the sudden Squirrelflight came from out of nowhere. She was smiling at me which I thought was a bit weird. It was something that I had never seen from this cat.
"You are about to hit your next stage of your journey, a lot of us have done everything we possibly can. It is up to you now... There is a mountain nearby, you will meet the cat there some time in the next few days... She will help you. You no longer see us in your dreams unless it is something really important. I wish you luck Moon..." She said to me. All of the sudden all of the cats the I had smelt came out from nowhere.
I noticed all of them except for a few. They all were smiling and nodding at me. I looked at Onestar and Blackstar and nodded at them. I looked at Mistystar she had taught me how to catch fish yesterday.
"Good luck Moon... Don't forget all that I have taught you." Jayfeather said to me, Lionblaze went up to me and said the same thing. I nodded to both of them. I was sad that they were all going to leave me. They had taught me a lot, I would probably be dead if it wasn't for every single one of them.
Some times I wish that I could just go back to my old life but now I Knew my destiny and I had to help these cats... I liked being out there and having my own free will as well. Even if everything out here was dangerous.
The cats all the sadly began to disappear and all that was left was Squirrelflight. She looked at me and continued to smile. I liked that from her. She always had her head down like something bad was always about to happen.
"Goodbye for now Moon... I hope that we will see each other again very soon..." She said to me. I nodded and then she slowly began to disappear as well. I would miss all the cats that had taught me so much.
I closed my eyes and then woke up.

Mint was still asleep. I was very hungry I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. If Squirrelflight was right what she said then Mint would be ready to begin heading out today. I hoped so I was tired of sitting around here just hunting and not really doing anything else.
I nudged her and she opened her eyes and then let out a big yawn. She then looked at me and smiled. I smiled as well.
"Hey Moon, you got some food for me?" She said to me. I shook my head, she probably wasn't ready to start hunting but she would be at least ready to continue on the journey to wherever we were going.
"Nope I'm just about to go out there, but Squirrelflight told me that we were ready to go I just wont to make sure you are ready." I said to her. She got up and then began moving around. She even tried to jump but she slipped over when she did that.
"I think so Moon, Im tired of standing around, and I know im ready I was there last night. Not ready to hunt but we need to start heading out at some point soon." She told me. I nodded back at her and then we began heading out of the tunnel in the ditch that we were in. "So we are going to a mountain? I see one up in the distance over there."
She said to me. I was glad she had told me what it was because I had never heard of that thing it my life. It looked huge and looked like it was made of stone if you could see through all of the trees.
It looked a bit scary but if Squirrelflight said thats where we were supposed to go then I would listen to her. I then sniffed at the air to see if I could smell any prey nearby for us to eat.
I was having a bit of trouble lately even though I had learned basically every animal I was supposed to hunt. I would have to teach Mint how to catch all of those soon as well. She was good at hunting, almost better than me when I saw her catch the squirrel.
It would not take long for me to teach or to hunt all of the things that Squirrelflight and other cats had shown me. Maybe Squirrelflight would even teach her. But I doubt it she said it was time to follow my own path now.
I smelt a bird nearby and a vole in the same deriction a bit further up. I began to follow it a nodded for Mint to follow me. I could here her walking from not far behind. I wanted to make sure she was safe so I would be in the front in case we got attacked again.
I smelt the bird from close by and then I stopped Mint that way it would not hear or see either of us. I then began to tell her how to hunt the bird.
"It is like doing a rabbit and a mouse at the same time. Make sure you are in the opposite direction, and also keep body low that way it will not hear you. If it sees you, you can run and try to jump. It is much easier than the others even though it seems harder. They dont get up that fast." I said to her. Mint nodded at me and then watched me as I did every step that I had just told her to do.
I got close to it and it saw and heard me last second. But it was too late for it as I easily caught on to it. I had tried looking for one the other day to try it out with Mint, I only found 1 however and I missed the jump that I had to get on it.
It was a bit disappointing but I got over it pretty fast. I took the bird over to Mint and nodded for her to have it. I wanted to make sure that she ate first that way she could heal faster and move around quicker.
She began eating it, I hadn't tried one not even in my dream but Squirrelflight had taught me how to catch it.
"Alright stay back here Im going to go after that Vole and then we will head off." I said to her. She nodded and then I began heading in the direction that I had smelt the vole not too long ago.
Once I got nearby it I did what I needed to and I easily caught it. I then began heading in the direction that I had left Mint. I felt a bit bad for leaving her but I needed to speed up everything that we were doing.
I then saw her finishing off the rest of the bird and then I nodded to her once I got close enough for her to see me.
I began to eat the vole. I had finished most of it but then I gave the rest Mint.
"Are you sure? Arent you hungry?" She said to me. I shook my head, it was a bit of a lie but I would catch something tonight, I knew she would be worn out halfway through the day. She needed the food more than me. Once she finished it off I looked at her.
"Alright... Its time to go..."

Sorry guys, didnt have much time today with my baby brother here. Big chapters coming the next 2 days to both books...

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