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Remy waited patiently in his room, Starbucks in hand, sipping it slowly, he flinched when the door opened, Emile stood there, a glare in his eyes.

"Hey, babes." Remys confident voice was shakey. He didn't meet Emiles eye. He was ignored, Emile walking past him, sitting on the bed. "You look tense..."

"Stop talking." Remy went silent instantly, biting his bottom lip. After a few minutes of silent Emile called Remy to sit besides him, carefully running his fingers through Remys hair, taking the sunglasses off, giving him a look as if daring him to argure.

Emile muttered about his day, keeping Remy close, anytime Remy would try to talk he would be cut off.

_ CoffeeQueen - Online _
_ DoubleDickedWonder - Online _

CoffeeQueen: Nice name, De
DoubleDickedWonder: Remus changed it don't patronize me

— Snakessss - Online —

Snakessss: Much better
CoffeeQueen: Mhm, sure
Snakessss: Where have you been all day? Emi lock you in your room again?
CoffeeQueen: Emile isn't bad, he's just...has anger issues.
Snakessss: ironic for a therapist to have anger issues

— FriendlyLilTherapist - Online —

FriendlyLilTherapist: I don't have anger issues, I just had a surprise for my cute boyfriend!!

CoffeeQueen: what surprise?

FriendlyLilTherapist: it's not done yet~

Snakessss: ...I'm going to go to bed, as you two should.

CoffeeQueen: Night

FriendlyLilTherapist: Night! Sleep tight!!

— Snakessss - Offline —
— CoffeeQueen - Offline —
-- FriendlyLilTherapist - Offline —

Remy didn't turn around in the bed, keeping his phone held close to his chest. "I don't think you should talk to Deceit." Emiles voice was cold, and Remy could only nod, knowing that speaking would bring tears.

Pretty Lies ; Sander Sides ; Sleepceit Where stories live. Discover now