Chapter 24: A Virus and A Curse

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Ranger's POV:

I was back in the real world, managing my server through console. Something was wrong though. I haven't had this server for long, three months at most. But I couldn't find this plugin or even a trojan plugin for Herobrine.

I found a file for Jace though, it had an entire backstory for her that I don't remember typing or making. A backstory worth 15 years. I understand that there are 72 cycles of minecraft days per real world day, which can leave room for 6 years per real-world month but this says that she's the daughter of someone named Julia, and Herobrine, which I have made neither for.

I explained all of this to Danielle through text and she suggested maybe someone else is playing as this Herobrine NPC like how we can play as ourselves and that "Julia" is probably some stupid villager or something... either way something is wrong with this server. Maybe we're all three hallucinating and none of this is real? I feel like maybe we're messing with other worldly powers.

My last resort will be shutting the server down, but if this is a bigger issue than just the server, I might need some help. My first task will be shutting off this "Jace" and I'll go from there.

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