9: The Boxcutter

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We were supposed to tell Persey about her illness the next day.

I had a lot of trouble getting out of bed that morning. Even though I was plagued with horrible dreams, I knew they couldn't compare to what would have to happen later.  

At around 2 pm, my parents finally dragged me out of my room so we could go on a walk. We went on a trail that lead to a park, with a huge duck pond and a playground. The sun was hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds, the brisk air cut straight through our jackets. Nobody else was in the park with us, which made things a little easier. 

Persey was never interested in the playground. She walked straight to the pond, watching the geese and ducks floating in the water. When they stepped onto the shore, Persey knelt to the ground and crept closer to them. 

"Hey there," she said. "You guys hungry?" 

"Don't waste the bread on them, honey," Dad said.

"Why not? We brought like two loaves."

".... Alright, I suppose." 

Persey and I took some bread pieces and tossed them into the pond, the ducks greedily chasing after them. My mom and dad sat down at a picnic table behind us.

I watched Persey for a while. "How have you been doing, by the way?" 

"Me?" she said. "I'm fine, I guess. Why?"

"No reason. I was just wondering how you were holding up." 

"Just fine... I'm just glad I'm feeling good enough to go outside." 

Her dark eyes traveled from the pond to me. "Zander?"

"What is it?" 

She studied my face. "....Is there something wrong?"

"Uh, no..."

"Because you've been acting weird ever since you talked to Mom yesterday."

"Well, I don't know..."

"Did she say something bad?" 

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about that right now." 

Persey glowered sullenly across the pond.

"You know, I knew there's something you guys are hiding from me. Mom and Dad were upset all day, and you didn't even leave your room until like 2 in the afternoon. What's going on?" 

"...Look, I don't wanna lie to you, Persey," I said. "There is something you need to know. But I'd rather leave it up to Mom and Dad to tell you."

"Why? What is so important that you couldn't just tell me?"

"It's... something very serious. We just didn't want you to find out in a bad way."

Persey stared at me, bewildered. "Bad way? What, like I'm gonna overreact?"

"Please don't get mad..."

"Oh, I'm not mad. I'm pretty irritated, though. I'm going to find out right now what you've been keeping from me. And if you're not gonna tell me, then maybe Mom and Dad will." 

She started rushing to our picnic table.

"Persey, wait!" 

"Mom, Dad, Zander says there's something you need to tell me," Persey said briskly.

My mom stared at me wide eyed, her lips pursed. 

"Well, I didn't want to lie to her, what would you expect me to say?" I said. 

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