i: the beginning of the end

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Yoohyeon's alarm went off, startling the girl awake.

Sitting upright, she reached for her phone. At her phone's screen, she saw a text from Siyeon.

'Hey, Yoo. Happy White Day.' The message said. Yoohyeon smiled. It's finally d-day.

She took a quick bath and put on a floral shirt and a pair of jeans. She did the laces on her sneakers with fast hands and finally went downstairs, where her family waited for her.

"Morning, Mom, Dad." She greeted, getting 2 slices of loaf bread and taking one to her mouth.

"Morning, sweetie. Skipping breakfast again?" Her mom asked, Yoohyeon just shook her head.

Waving her hand good bye to her parents, she made her way out of the house. She stopped on her tracks when someone called for her.

"Unnie!" It was Yoohyeon's younger sister. Yoohyeon sighed before facing her.

"You forgot your jacket." Small hands held a denim jacket. Yoohyeon took it from her and shoved her sister inside the house.

"It's cold outside. Go inside."

Putting on the jacket, she walked away. Only to see Siyeon, who was leaning on the hood of her car, a phone on her right hand and a bag with 4 cups of coffee on the other.

"Hey, you beautiful giant, get in!" Siyeon said, putting the phone on her pocket and opening the car door on the driver's seat. Yoohyeon opened the door on the passenger's.

"Thanks." Yoohyeon said as Siyeon gave her her coffee.

Their next stop was Gahyeon's house. Gahyeon was already on her way out of her house, stomping. "Why do I have to be single on White Day." She muttered, earning laughters from the two inside the car.

Minji's house was around the corner. She was hopping towards Siyeon's car, and tried opening the car door but it won't budge. It was locked inside. The three laughed at Minji, who was already pouting. "You bitches better let me in or else."


"So it's d-day, huh?" Minji broke the silence, all the girls' attention now on Yoohyeon who just nodded, a faint flush now on her cheeks.

"You go, Yoo!" Siyeon exclaimed, teasingly pushing Yoohyeon with her free hand, the other still on the steering wheel. "Go get your girl."

"Stop," Yoohyeon pushed Siyeon's hand away, a small yet sad smile showing on her lips. "We're not even sure what will happen. What if she rejects me?" Yoohyeon was looking at her hands, playing with her fingers nervously.

Gahyeon snorted. "Oh come on, you never notice how Dami looks at you?"

Yoohyeon looked back at Gahyeon with shocked eyes. "What?"

"We all noticed it, you dumb dumb. Clearly, the girl likes you too so it'll go well." Siyeon's right hand made its way to Yoohyeon's head, patting it slowly.

Somehow, her heart was filled with hope. Hope that she will finally experience happiness she's been longing for.

The four girls once reached their school building. The girls were quite popular so they made heads turn. Siyeon, who was the most popular, waved at the students on the hallway.

"Let's go drop our gifts, Yoo. While you two single ladies, wait here." Siyeon said, pulling Yoohyeon along with her. Minji and Gahyeon can only curse at Siyeon.

On Yoohyeon's slender hands was a rectangular object. She held it close to her chest, as if to transfer all her feelings onto the present. With high hopes, she smiled as she placed it on the table where gifts were supposed to be put onto. Soon, they will be delivered to who they presented it to.

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