v: try again

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Yoohyeon's and her little sister's laughters were echoing in her room.

Jihyeon, her little sister, has her tiny hands on top of Yoohyeon's. They were smiling at each other, both were having fun at their little game.

They were both alerted at the sound of knocking on Yoohyeon's door. It was their mom.

"Do you know what time it is?" Her mom asked, her head tilted as if she asked something obvious.

Yoohyeon shrugged, "I already told Siyeon I'm not going to school today." She had her arms wide open and Jihyeon went for a hug.

Their mother was in awe at the action but turned to Yoohyeon again. "Why?"

Yoohyeon faced her sister. "We're going to the amusement park, aren't we?"


"Don't run too far!" Yoohyeon called out as Jihyeon ran to a nearby stall full of stuffed toys.

It has been so long since she bonded with her sister and she's glad that they did.

Jihyeon was pointing at something. It was a pink stuffed bear. Yoohyeon walked over. "What is it?"

Jihyeon kept pointing at the toy. "I want it."

"Okay." Yoohyeon then faced the stall keeper. "How much for the pink bear?"

The stall keeper looked at her in disbelief. "Those are not for sale. You gotta win it."

Yoohyeon looked to the side. It was a game stall after all. There were water guns and across was holes to shoot water with. Yoohyeon looked over at Jihyeon again, who was still looking at the pink bear. Yoohyeon sighed.

The first three tries were a fail and Yoohyeon was not happy about it. The game looked pretty easy but she was wrong. The bored look of the stall keeper wasn't helping at all. Yoohyeon felt her sister tugged her shirt.

"You can do it, unnie." Jihyeon then showed a bright smile which Yoohyeon reflected. She patted Jihyeon's hair. "Of course."

It took several tries before Yoohyeon finally made a balloon pop. The stall keeper, who looked bored the entire time, handed the bear to Jihyeon. Jihyeon jumped in delight, which brought a smile in Yoohyeon's face. Her sister hugged her. Yoohyeon hugged her back and planted a kiss on her sister's head. Letting go, she reached for her sister's hand. "Let's get something to eat."

They sat at a bench under a big tree. They were laughing as they were eating, and Yoohyeon has never been more proud of herself.


"Look at this."

Yoohyeon showed her phone to her mom. It was a picture of Jihyeon hugging her pink bear at the amusement park.

"Aww," Her mom said, geniunely happy.

Yoohyeon then showed another picture. It was the both of them in front of the carousel, taken by a kind stranger.

"You look so beautiful, so sweet." Their mom aww-ed again.

"Aww, look at you guys." Their father said after taking a look at the photo, smiling like a proud father.

Yoohyeon decided that they should eat out. Something they haven't done in a while.

"Remember when we used to come here all the time?" Their mom asked, playing with Jihyeon's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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