i i: again

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Flustered, she still hasn't left her bed.


She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the owner of the voice. It was Siyeon.

"I have been waiting outside for forever. Why aren't you getting ready?" Siyeon asked, placing the plastic bag with coffees in it on the nearest table. Yoohyeon looked at it, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Siyeon." Yoohyeon called to her friend, the latter just hummed in reply. "What happened last night?"

"Last night?" Now it was Siyeon who had her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes full of confusion. "Last night's a weekend. We didn't meet. What are you talking about?"

Yoohyeon was speechless. It must be a dream. "I'm going to take a shower."

"No, no!" Siyeon grabbed her arm then pulled her. "We don't have enough time for that."

Deja Vu. That's what Yoohyeon has been feeling. She watched as Gahyeon made her way to Siyeon's car. "Why do I have to be single on White Day." Siyeon laughed but Yoohyeon kept silent, squinting her eyes in confusion.

"You bitches better let me in or else."


"So it's d-day, huh?" Minji asked.

“I suppose.” Yoohyeon answered, confused on how familiar everything is.

“You go, Yoo!” Siyeon then nudged Yoohyeon. “Go get your girl.”

Yoohyeon just stayed silent. The familiarity is overwhelming it confused her. What on earth is happening?

She stared at the blackboard but she’s not seeing anything. Her mind is blank. The loud cheers on the soccer field below somewhat snapped her awake. She looked at Dami. She felt a feeling of encouragement. That was only a dream. Nothing is happening. That will not happen. She then let out a heavy sigh.

“Sure, go ahead.”

Same lines, again!

Four girls entered her classroom, baskets dangling on their arms. She caught the glimpse of a familiar green present. And the girl carrying it was the same girl in her dream.

“This is for you.” The girl said, handing out the green present which Yoohyeon accepted. “Oh, and this too.”

Yoohyeon stared at the girl then at the familiar pink present. After a few seconds, she accepts and the girl went away. Looking around, she saw Handong staring at her then abruptly looks away.

Even if she knew what the pink present card would say, she still opened it only to find a familiar poem.

In the midst of despair,
I hid among the shadows.
I can only watch from afar,
And feel nothing but sorrow.
I hope one day will come,
I hope there'll still be a tomorrow.
Where I can freely hold your hand,
And let my feelings show.

She closes the card and quickly puts the present it in her bag, then lets out another heavy sigh.

She made her way out of her classroom, her mind was blank. She didn’t even hear someone calling her name until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and, yes, it was Dami.

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