i v: repeat

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Yoohyeon started to put dark make-up on, something she has always wanted to do. After putting on a revealing dress, she went downstairs.

"Oh, no, you're not wearing that to school." Her Mom said after seeing what Yoohyeon was wearing.

"I don't care."

"I do. So go back upstairs and change, please." Her Mom said with authority.

Yoohyeon wasn't shaken. "This is my life. And I'll do anything the hell I want with it."

Her Mom turned to her husband, "Dad, can you please do something about this?"

"Yoo, you can't be disrespectful to your mother- Yoohyeon!"

She didn't even let her Dad finish and walked out.

Her sister approached her, Yoohyeon's gloves on her hands. "Unnie-"

"Do not touch my stuffs!"

"That's it, Yoohyeon. You are grounded!"

Yoohyeon just laughed. "Grounded? I'm already grounded." She then opens their front door and leaves.

Maybe I was dead and in hell.

Maybe I was alive and in hell.

That didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore.

Siyeon jokingly laughs at her friend's outfit, "What are you wearing?"

Yoohyeon just scoffs. "Funny." She then pushes Siyeon away from the passenger's seat door. "Excuse me."

"Geez, what happened to you?"

Minji was the last to climb up the car as they stopped in front her house. She immediately noticed Yoohyeon. "What's with her?"

Siyeon just shrugs, "Someone forgot to take their happy pills today."

"I sure took mine." Gahyeon commented.

"I know what'll cheer her up. Da-"

"I swear to God, Minji, if you mention someone else right now?" Yoohyeon threatened, eyes still in front.

"But today is d-day, right?" Minji asked, surprised of Yoohyeon's reaction.

"Let her be. Maybe she wants to be single forever." Siyeon joked again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoohyeon asked at Siyeon, the latter furrowed her eyebrows.

"What did you say to me?" Siyeon was taken aback by Yoohyeon's change of attitude.

"Do you really need to prove to us that you don't give a shit about anything? We all know that you don't give a damn about anything but yourself. Aren't we all aware of that?"

"What the hell is your problem today, Yoo?" Siyeon was still trying to understand what Yoohyeon was doing.

"Stop, you guys." Minji interrupted. "Don't fight. Just stop."

"What, you don't agree?" Yoohyeon asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Leave her out of this." Siyeon wasn't taking it anymore.

"Don't you always talk shit about them all the time?" Yoohyeon still hasn't stopped. Siyeon was convinced this was not their friend anymore. "Look at Minji, climbing all over Yeeun. She doesn't even like her. Look at Gahyeon, oh my God, she knows how awful of a singer she was. I hope Minji won't throw up in the seats of my car and make it smell alcoholic."

"Stop it, Yoo." Gahyeon interrupted.

But Siyeon can't take any of it anymore. "Out." Yoohyeon looked back at Siyeon. "Get out. NOW!"

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