i i i: once more

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Yoohyeon laid in her bed again, her right hand just above her heart. It was beating too loud she could hear it. Yoohyeon just stared at her ceiling, as one question flooded her mind.

What the heck is happening to me?

She was occupied with her thoughts that she didn't notice her sister entering her room.

"Unnie!" Her sister called. Jumping in the bed, she said, "Mom said you have to get up."

Yoohyeon just shook her head. "Tell her I'm sick."

With a doubtful face, her sister touched Yoohyeon's forehead. "You don't feel hot."

Yoohyeon caught her sister's hand in her own. Without giving it a thought, Yoohyeon began to examine her sister's small hand. How long has it been?

"Let go!" Her sister said in between laughs as she pulled away her hand. She then goes down from the bed and ran towards the door. "Mom! She won't get up!"

Once alone, Yoohyeon's mind was once again occupied.

"Hey." Someone called her, not her sister this time. "What's this about feeling sick?" Her Mom asked, worried.

Yoohyeon turned around, "I don't know. I just don't feel good."

"Really? On White Day?" Her Mom just looked at her, her face both with worry and doubt. "Did something happen?"

"No, Mom. It's nothing. I just," She sighed. "I just need more sleep. Please."

"Okay." Her Mom sighed in defeat. "I'll let Siyeon know that you're coming late." She stopped midway from closing Yoohyeon's door. "But I have to get to work before 9."


"Thank you for driving me to school." Yoohyeon said as her Mom's car stopped in front of her school. But she didn't open the door. She clasped her hands, mind deep in thought again.

"Aren't you excited?" Her Mom began to ask.

"I don't know." Yoohyeon replied, her eyes looking somewhere far away.

"You know, when I was a senior," Her Mom started to say. "People would say my features were too weird. I didn't receive that many gifts." She ended with a chuckle.

Yoohyeon just smiled at her Mom. She turned away, opening the door but she stopped midway and faced her Mom again. "I think you're beautiful." She said with sincerity, earning a smile from her Mom, showing wrinkles near her eyes.



Maybe everything was connected.

Maybe everything that was done could be undone.

Maybe things could change.

And maybe I could change them.

We hang out every weekend. Could we not go, please?” Yoohyeon pleaded, giving each girl a pleading look.

“But I thought this was your opportunity to work things out with Dami?” Minji asked, an eyebrow raised. “And, this is the first time we were invited to a party. Come on.”

“We can party ourselves tonight. Please?”

Siyeon sighed, “Okay, okay.”

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