Chapter 18 - Sparrow.

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Everybody is afraid of a monster.


The summer was exceptionally hot this season of the year. The temperature had reached 51 degree Celsius and was increasing. People were in their cotton dresses and flippers. The sound of ice cream vans were heard now and then.

Few people kept bowls cold water in front of their houses for animals and birds to drink and bath.

"How many?" Mrs. Tiwari asked.

"We are not yet sure," Alex said.

The house was decorated with light bulbs and color papers.

"My poor girl, she has been crying for 2 days now. Isn't there any news of her?" Mrs. Tiwari said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Coffee was served and along with few biscuits.

"The police is searching all the near by areas. I hear, ..more people have joined the search party and it's counting." Alex said.

The coffee was getting colder with every passing second.

"People like them such be locked inside a mental asylum and never be let out. Look what's happened now."

"The first time we met him, he looked sad. We were sure not to make any fun of him. He welcomed us to his house, we had coffee and snacks with him. But Priyanka, she was rude to him. She had called him with all sorts of names, Kajol too." Alex said. He looked at Mrs. Tiwari with sympathy. "Then, we had no clue what the man was capable of."

"It was supposed to be a happy occasion for my little girl. She had invited so many of her friends, but no one came," Mrs. Tiwari rounded her eyes once and placed them on Alex. "Except you," she said.

"Everybody is afraid to let their kids go out. After Divya Laghari, the city has gone in a mourning state. And now Priyanka Desai too. He body was found in a dumpster outside the city. And Kajol, she has been missing for 2 days. I know how it feels." Alex said, shifting on the chair.

The evening news paper boy threw a rolled up news paper from the gate, it hit the door and landed on the mat. He did not wait for the owner to come out and thank him, he never did, unless it was for that time of month to collect money.

A sparrow was swimming inside a flower pot which was filled with water, placed on the left side of the door. The sound is produced was melodious. Few dogs were running the streets, a car had just passed. Now and then, dry leaves fell with the warm winds.

Mrs. Tiwari walked excused herself, she walked passed the fish tank in her house. She opened the main door and picked up the news paper.

"This is it."

Alex heard the words coming from outside the door, he kept his one foot in front and ran. He ran. Something might happened he thought. To his amazement he saw that Mrs. Tiwari was in flying colors. Her cheeks were red with smile and laughter.

"What happened, Mrs. Tiwari?" Alex said. He looked around, no body there. Just a sparrow drowning or swimming in a flower pot. "What happened?" he repeated.

"I love the news paper boy," Mrs. Tiwari said.


"I love him, I love him." She put both her hands on Alex's shoulders and blinked. She blinked both eyes again.

Sweat was on Alex's forehead and neck, it was more on Mrs. Tiwari, it dripped from her neck to her collar bone and made a path to her maroon color blouse.

"They found the killer. They found that sick psycho bastard who killed your friends." Mrs. Tiwari said. The sky turned blue to her, and the wind cold.

"Aren't we finally happy?" Alex smiled. Another drop of sweat into her blouse and this time he looked down. A feel of shame ran in him and he turned his eyes up. She did not notice it.

"Let's go in." Mrs. Tiwari caught his hand and pulled him inside the house, locking the front door. Two fishes were navigating the artificial plants in the water tank, one black one white. They reached Pooja's room.

"Pooja, daughter open the door, they caught the killer." Mrs. Tiwari shouted, with news paper in her hand. She let go of Alex's hand and knocked the door.

Alex let out a sigh of relief.

"We can celebrate your birthday now, Pooja. Please come out. Please come out." Mrs. Tiwari said.

After a numerous time of knocking from both her and Alex, the door opened. Pooja was standing in her pajama and a blue avatar t-shirt. Black bags were under her eyes. Her hair was like a bush. "Where is Kajol?" She said.

The question punched Mrs. Tiwari like a solid rock. The joyous expression was replaced with a sad one. "She hasn't been found yet. But the police search is going on. Don't you worry, she'll be safe." she said. She hoped that Kajol would be safe, but she wasn't confident.

Alex took the news paper from Mrs. Tiwari.

'Bangalore Serial Killer' a middle aged man, an ex-loony by the name of Mr. Christopher Gandhi, has been arrested this morning hiding under a sewer. His finger prints were found on his third victim, a girl with a snake tattoo who we are yet to identify. Kajol Kapoor is still missing though her search is still going on. Even with all the evidences, Mr. Gandhi still refuses to admit to his crimes.

"I'm sorry, Pooja." Aelx said. He looked at the girl standing in front of him, a miserable poor girl who needed care and love. "I hope Kajol is safe."

Pooja eyes filled with these words. Water mixed with her black eye liner touched her sides of lips. She pushed her hands and closed the door.

"She needs time, she'll be fine." Mrs. Tiwari said, consoling the boy. She felt the pain in his eyes for her. Pooja had told her parents about her relationship with Alex, and they were okay with it. "Don't worry."

"I hope so, Mrs. Tiwari." Alex said. 

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