Chapter 22 - The Engagement.

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Take me to the night we met.

October 22, 2018

"3 suicide groups, in 3 three years." Ashley read.

"Is this how some want peace and some alone time?" Maan said.

"Why are you reading that article, beshi?" Ashley asked. She was holding a cup of vine and leaning to a side wall.

"Waiting for the cops to catch the killer." Maan said, he took a sip of diet coke. He was looking down from the balcony.

"It's a suicide group, they all killed themselves, no new hero for the crazy fans." Ashley said. Her hair was falling on her face now and then which she would tug behind her ears at times.

"But what if some one did it, dumb? What if it was a pre-planned murder? The killer might still be on loose, someone needs to do something about it." Maan said. Everything looked tiny from this height, the dogs with their owners, the cars, the TTC, the trees.

"Are you saying, beshi, that the killer was that good?" Ashley said, moving near him. The wind blew her hair loose again. It troubled her, but it made look more cute. She was in a blue dress, all dressed up for a party.

"I'm just worried, you know. Mmmm." He looked at her. She put her hand in his hand and caught it.

"I miss that flight, beshi. I really do." Ashley said.

The door to the balcony opened and Josea stepped in. "From the red cliff of a mountain, a boy jumps, a girl jumps." She giggled.

With Josea came some party music and some fresh pizza smell.

"Happy birthday, beshi." Ashley let go of Maan's hand and hugged the other girl balancing the drink in her hand.

"Thanks Ash." Josea said. She hugged her tightly in return. He white dress with black lines made her another Snow White. Hair loosely left, large ear rings, a light touch of brush to the face, a gold necklace with a tiny diamond at the center. She looked at Maan.

"Happy birthday, Rain. You look beautiful." Maan said.

"Thanks boring guy." Josea said, still hugging her best friend. "I have a surprise." She let go of Ashley and asked them to come inside.

Scott was a party drinker and good at it. He could hold his drinks. Currently he was on his 4th drink.

Bruce could say "I'm Batman!" better than anyone in the group. He was busy playing "Batman: Arkham Asylum" on the PS4 that was in the middle of the room.

Simon was arranging gifts in an order for the birthday girl to open it. He looked excited and happy.

Debra and Joseph were on a sofa kissing like the world had nothing but just the two of them.

Josea, Ashley and Maan were standing near Bruce, who did not pay any attention to them. He was kicking some asses in a virtual world.

"Simon," Josea said. He turned and looked from the gifts towards her.

Simon walked and turned the music off and paused the PS4 for which he had to listen from Bruce. Debra and Joseph did not mind but they turned to see what was happening.

"We are getting engaged." Simon announced. He stood beside Josea and held her hand. "Our parents are okay with it. So we just thought."

"What?" Ashley said, "did I hear it correct?"

"Yes, Ash." Josea said.

"Congrats," Maan said. He shook hands with Josea and hugged Simon.

"Congrats from our side too," Said Joseph, and he went on kissing Debra.

"Isn't it too early? I mean, you guys are too young. You sure you want to do it now?" Scott said. He too shook hands and tried hit Simon on his ass.

"We are, but that's what we want." Simon said.

Scott just simply nodded.

"Congrats," said Bruce. "Now can I go to the game?" He looked happy and mad."

"Let's cut the cake  and open the gifts first," Simon said. They all gathered to the place where Simon had arranged the gifts. Finally, Debra and Joseph stopped and came to join the ceremony.

Josea looked excited and red, red because of the new news.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Josea. Happy birthday to you."

Scott opened a box which filled the room with torn pieces of colorful papers.

"Gifts, gifts, gifts, and let me play my game." Bruce said.

"Sige(alright)," Josea said and opened the first gift.

A bracelet from Ashley, "Aish, thanks Ash." Josea said. "You're welcome," she heard Ashley say.

A Batman game from Bruce, "Aie," Josea said. "Thanks Bruce Wayne." "I'm Batman," she heard him say.

A red vine bottle from Scott, "Uff," Josea said. "Thanks Scott. I'll make sure to present you something similar next time." "You're welcome, and I'm expecting it." she heard Scott say.

An iPhone from Simon. "You bought it?" Josea said in a more surprised voice. "Thanks Simon." She hugged him tightly.

Ashley looked at Maan. His rectangular glasses were seeing, they were just seeing. She put her hands in his and held it. He did not move.

"You're welcome, love." Simon said. He then let go of her.

A condom pack from Debra and Joseph, "seriously guys?" Josea said. She heard everyone laugh. "Thanks anyways." "You may need it tonight, you guys are engaging, all fun." Joseph said. Debra nodded.

Josea had turned all red, and did Simon, they looked each other.

A gift card from Maan.

"How stingy, beshi," Ashley pressed his hand.

"I spent hours for that." Maan said, a small smile on the side of his lips.

"Stingy, Maan," Bruce called.

"By the way, I'm having a death party next year on my birthday and it's called Aokigahara list, I like this death forest. Whoever wants can say "Aish" now." Maan said, they all looked at Josea.

"Aish". "Aish"."Aish"."Aish"."Aish".

"Rain scared? And dumb, you too?" Maan said, with eyebrows raised.

"I'm Rain, I give life, no thanks," Josea giggled.

"Na beshi, I'm good." Ashley said and showed her full teeth to support her statement.

"Fine, just so you know, no more invitations. Okay the gift card." Maan said.

Josea opened the card, there a poem written on it.

"A poem, beshi, awww, how cute," Ashley said.

"You guys can go and continue with your kiss session, I can read it out next time." Josea smiled. No one moved, so she read it.

*A Man and A Tortoise*

I don't climb roses,
Nor my dreams
For the moon
To have fingertips.
I visit countries.
I walk alone.

I see the birds sing
On a cabin.

I then, let myself in
And I return to my poetry.
In a corner, on a frame
Where my mother lies.

For the woods will lie
Where you sleep
Like a man, and a tortoise.

"It's sad, and I have a green color tortoise teddy bear." Josea said.

"I know."

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