Chapter 28

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I never have thought that a person can change your life. Or a person and a half to be more exact. My girlfriend and her little daughter that now became mine too and I was planning to be the best mom. Who would have thought that Jisoo Kim, the girl who didn't want kids, now all she was thinking about was that little girl with those blue eyes.

When she called us her mommies I had this huge smile on my face. It was a feeling I can't really describe. It's when your baby say his or her first word. It's a feeling close to that. I turned and looked at Jennie and she was smiling too, holding my hand tight in hers. This moment, right there, we became a real family.. And I was ready to do anything about my girls.. I mean it.

Back home, Ella run to the bathroom to wash her hands and me and Jennie stayed there looking at each other. She put her hands behind my back and kissed me the way she only knew how. The incidence back to her work, well, it had me wet the whole day.. If we didn't stop we would make love to each other for the first time in the bathroom. And I really didn't want that.. I wanted our first time, my first time, to be special.. To our bed, where we could cuddle afterwards.. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic.

"So mama.. What are you going to cook for us?" Jennie said and placed a tender kiss to my neck.

"I think that the cook here it's you honey.. So here is your apron.." I said teasing her. It's not that I couldn't cook. It's just that I liked seeing her behind the kitchen. She was so damn sexy.

"See? I shouldn't cook for you that day.."

"But you are a great cook baby.. The greatest actually."

"Sweet talker."

"Only to you.. For the others I keep my cold exterior."

"I am sure you do.. So what would you like to eat my lady?" I didn't have the time to tell her.. Our little one came all jumpy and spoke for me.

"Macaroni and cheese."

"Ellaa.. This is not healthy.. We ate that already three times this week."

"Don't care mommy.. I like it."

"I think we should eat something healthier. What do you think baby?" Ella came right next to me and moved her finger so I could bend on her height and she whispered to me.

"Mama.. say macaroni and cheese."

"Well.. I want macaroni and cheese too Jen.. I really like it." Jennie moved her hands on the air like she was giving up.. yeah, Ella and I were a good team.

"Macaroni and cheese then."

We sat there joking and laughing and teasing Jennie that she looked cute with her apron. In my mind Jennie was wearing only her apron and nothing else. But that was my fantasy. We ate and then we helped Ella with her school work that wasn't so difficult. They weren't doing anything in her class. She was still young but she was very smart for her age.. I might have a talk with Jennie about sending her to a bigger class next year.

Our evening was simple, talking about Eddy's party that was this Saturday, meaning tomorrow. Jennie already asked me if I wanted to come. It would be our first time together as a couple in a social event. And since she didn't have any problem I didn't have one either.

"Baby girl, it's time for your bath and then sleepy time.. Up up.."

"But moooommmyy.."

"No mommy me.."

"But it's Saturday tomorrow. I don't have to wake up early."

"So? You are still very young and kids of your age must have a sleep time. Yours is 8.30pm the most."

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