Chapter 46

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Walking is pretty easy. When you are a baby and it's time for you to get up on your feet, you hold on something and you just make the steps. One, two. Maybe three if someone doesn't scare you.. So, the steps were easy now. At least Taeyang made them seem easy. And I didn't have anyone to scare me when I would make that third step. I was already scared.

Jisoo was quiet when Taeyang was preparing me for my mission. Cool eh? Maybe not. The microphone was attached inside my shirt, for no one to see. He gave me a pen, or it looked like a pen, and he told me that this was my GPS and a recorder. He would know where I would be in case something would go wrong. I knew what I had to do. His instructions were direct. I was just trying to stay calm. Mostly for Jisoo. This night maybe was the one. The one were I would be free again, without anyone to hunt us. Me and my girls.

"Jennie? Do you remember what I said to you?"

"Yes, Taeyang."

"Okay. Call him now. I am going to start recording from the moment you will press the call button."

"Okay. I am ready." I had my finger ready to press the call button but I stopped. Taeyang looked at me with a worry face.

"What happened?"

"Not before I kiss Jisoo. She is my strength." Jisoo looked at me with a faint smile. But still her smile, faint or not, always made me feel good.. I walked close to her. One step, two steps.. I was holding on her..

"Please promise me you won't do anything stupid. Okay? I want you safe back to me.."

"I promise.. I need to ask you something remember? How am I going to ask that if I am not safe back to you? Now kiss me.." She took me in her arms and she gave me a light kiss on my lips. It was all I needed.

"Okay, now I am ready.."

I pressed the call button and waited for detective Lee to answer his phone.


"Detective? It's Jennie Kim."

"Hello Ms. Kim. Is everything good?"

"I don't know.. Not really.. I got in a fight with Jisoo because I accused her about everything. I know that this whole situation would come back to bite us on our ass. I just can't. Do you have any clue who might be behind everything?"

"I keep searching Ms. Jennie. There is a big chance that is someone from Ms. Jisoo's past but we are not sure yet."

"Detective, I just wanted to tell you that we are not staying at the hotel anymore. At least I don't. I am going back home. Jisoo's apartment. I thought about calling to tell you."

"That's good. I am going to have someone outside the hotel patrolling. If something happens we will know."

"Thank you."

"No problem Ms. Jennie. If someone wants Ms. Jisoo we will get them. I promise you."

I was ready to tell him not to make such promise. Taeyang recorded everything but there was nothing really to record. He sounded like a good police officer. Ready to help the citizen that was in need.

"Okay. Now if it's him he will contact with Seungri to tell him about your plans. You have to pack some things like you are going back. You don't have to worry about Jisoo. I'll be here. No one will touch her."

"I trust you.."

"Also I told two agents from FBI to be outside Jisoo's apartment. They are already there waiting.."

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