chapter one / late night calls

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Author's Note: Published on January 11, 2020. Minor revisions made on January 15, 2020. Updates will be posted twice or thrice a month! Feedback will always be appreciated. Thank you very much, please enjoy~


Moonbyul sighs as her fingers catch on another stubborn knot in her damp hair. Having been doing promotional work for the past month, she could count on one hand the number of times she'd had to deal with her hair on her own. Needless to say, she was feeling the glaring absence of their capable stylists who had all been within arms reach just three hours ago. She winces as she pulls on the knot a little too harshly, vowing to pay more attention the next time they're deciding on hair colors for a comeback. She won't be agreeing to bleach her hair again for a long, long time.

To make matters worse, Moonbyul didn't know if her head was throbbing from lack of sleep, or from having been pulling at her scalp for the past twenty minutes. Either way, her headache was amplifying the pain in every single one of her limbs tenfold. Her entire being felt like one big bruise.

When she finally finishes combing the tangles from her hair, she flops down onto the mattress with a tired sigh. Moonbyul spends a few minutes staring blankly at the ceiling before realizing she forgot to turn the lights off for bed. Her heels had been rubbed raw from dancing and her limbs have never felt so heavy. She refuses to get up after firmly convincing herself that she'd only worsen her headache if she tried getting up now. With another sigh, Moonbyul settles for shielding her eyes with one arm and wallows in self-pity.

She has never been this tired for any comeback ever, but this was also the first one that required them to perfect much more complex choreography. Dancing had always been second nature to her, but she also had her limits. The fatigue and body pain she was feeling right now was bound to double by tomorrow. Silently, she thanked what was left of her lucky stars that she'd at least be the walking dead on a rest day.

Suddenly, Moonbyul's phone rings with a call, interrupting the relative silence of the entire dorm. She groans and reaches desperately for a pillow to put over her head, determinedly pressing it to her ears to will away the call through ignorance. Her favorite ringtone has quickly become as annoying as her alarm now that she's heard it wake her up on the verge of sleep. Moonbyul eventually gives up after hearing her ringtone for what felt like the hundredth time and throws the pillow at the wall in frustration. She resignedly crawls on her knees to get closer to her nightstand and grab her phone.

The display is lit with a picture of a cute cartoon alpaca and it takes Moonbyul a moment to recognize the caller ID. Confused, Moonbyul answers the call and puts the phone to her ear, propping herself up on her elbows as she lies on her stomach.

"Uhh, hello?" Moonbyul begins awkwardly.

"Hey, it's Seokjin!" Jin answers so brightly that Moonbyul flinches and pulls the phone away from her ear for a second. She was half-expecting the loud response coming from Jin, but she was still pretty surprised. She can practically feel his smile radiating through the call.

"With all the calls I had to make, I thought you were never going to pick up."

"Jin, it's pretty late. You didn't call me by mistake did you?" Moonbyul asks carefully, rubbing her eyes softly with one hand. She and Jin have been good friends for a long time thanks to their serendipitous 92-line kinship, but Jin has never called her before outside of a group call from their group chat, and never so late at night.

"Sorry Byul, did I wake you?" Jin asks, voice going quiet as it takes on a sheepish tone.

She does feel a bit put out at having been woken up, and her headache throbbed furiously as if to chide her for taking the call. However, she was curious about the call despite everything else. Jin didn't sound like he drunk-dialed her at random, so he must have something important to say.

somethin' stupid (i love you) / jinbyul 💜Where stories live. Discover now