chapter six / catching feelings

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Author's Note: Published on February 19, 2020. Updates will be posted twice or thrice a month. This is considered the 2nd update of the month since the previous one was technically a fluke 😂 Also, I'm absolutely disgusted at my ability to spit out chapters for this one faster than I can accomplish my papers for work 😆

P.S. Dark Side of the Moon!!! All the music shows Byul's promoting on!!! Byul's brown suit!!! SHAMPOO released today!!! WHAT A SINGLE, mellow but it hits so hard!! Whee sounds soooo good with RnB tracks 😭 Moomoos are so well-fed, we radishes will grow well 😩✊🏼🤧


It's been two weeks since the inevitable chaos of the surprise get-together happened. Two weeks of privately admiring the teamwork of individuals who were merely acquaintances prior to the party, but essentially now friends after just one night. Two weeks since Moonbyul's had the urge to smother her face into a pillow every single time she remembers she and Jin held hands for longer than necessary. Two weeks since Moonbyul's ears began to burn whenever her mind wanders to the memory of the strange look Jin gave her after she untangled their hands.

Two weeks, three days and eight hours to be exact. Not that Moonbyul's counting or anything; definitely not, because there was no need to. She just knows. Or at least, that's what she likes to tell herself.

She can still hear Sandeul's words ringing in her eardrums like she'd heard it only minutes ago, and she was honestly getting tired of it keeping her up at night. She hears it during water breaks at rehearsals, hears it when she's sitting in the stylist's chair, hears it in a much louder volume when she's alone in her room, and hears it now like a particularly annoying buzz of an insect as she lies down on their couch, waiting for their turn to pre-record.

"Jin did a great job of misleading you, didn't he? He's a natural."

At this point, the image of Sandeul turning his head to Moonbyul to give her a cheeky wink pops up in her head. She can even hear the sound of everybody laughing and the distinct giggle of her members among the cacophony of chatter.

"Buuuut, what Jin didn't know was the fact that we really were just trying to get rid of him too."

Moonbyul can almost feel the physical weight of Sandeul's hand clapping her proudly on the shoulder as he laughs.

"Excellent job keeping each other busy, you guys. Even if you didn't know that's what you were doing all along."

Over and over again, like a broken record damned in an eternal loop.

What was really eating at her was the fact that so many things managed to pass unchecked right under her nose and she gets reminded of it every time she hears Sandeul's voice in her head. She couldn't believe she actually thought that Jin genuinely just wanted to take her out on a date out of the blue. She felt so stupid.

She groans and lets the magazine she's been pretending to read for the past ten minutes fall on her face. Today's stylist might kill her for possibly ruining her make-up so close to their cue, but Moonbyul finds she could really care less.


"Somehow, I get the feeling that you weren't really looking for the bathroom."

Moonbyul straightens up at the sound and she takes off her propped arms from the balcony. She turns around and sees Hani walking towards her with a smile and a can of beer in each hand.

"Am I right?" Hani's smile widens further the closer she gets to Moonbyul.

Moonbyul rolls her eyes and swipes the drink Hani holds with an outstretched hand. She inspects the label and shrugs before popping the tab open. It wasn't her favorite, but it will do.

somethin' stupid (i love you) / jinbyul 💜Where stories live. Discover now