chapter two / the conundrum

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Author's Note: Published on January 16, 2020. Updates will be posted twice or thrice a month! Thank you very much for your support so far! 🥺 I'm glad you guys are enjoying it and I hope we can keep it up until the end~

Also, I'd appreciate if you guys could tell me if the chapters are too long for Wattpad. I've only ever uploaded on AO3 before and I tend to go for the pdf/epub format of lengthy fics to make the reading experience more comfortable. Anyway, for this chapter, I tried my best to trim it down to ~4k. Our previous chapter was also little over 4k too, so let me know what you guys think!

Initially, we had up to a whopping 8k 😳. Sooo, I just went ahead and made that into another chapter. It seems we'll be seeing more than my outline of 12 chapters this way though, and this may mean more updates per month than I originally planned 😅


The sunlight streaming through the curtains bathes Moonbyul's room in a gentle glow. Moonbyul has been constantly drifting between light sleep and sluggish consciousness ever since she first snoozed her alarm an hour ago. She's already slept through most of the morning now, having hit her alarm three times and counting. For once, she finds that she could care less. It's been so long since she had the chance to sleep in that truly nothing else would make her happier at the moment.

She couldn't remember the last time she didn't wake up to the sound of banging on her door. If today wasn't a rest day, Yongsun would likely be standing outside her room right now, loudly calling her out on her habit of snoozing her alarm before it could even go off. Yongsun would probably have her hands on her hips too, provided that she wasn't still in bed herself.

During particularly stressful schedules, which now happens far more often than they'd like, no member recovers the energy required to take on the responsible role for the day. On these days, one of their managers would personally nag them all to full, waking order in time for their commitments. Being scolded while listlessly spooning bland yogurt for breakfast wasn't exactly her ideal way to start the day.

Today though, she probably has all the time in the world. Moonbyul sighs and stretches her arms overhead as she slowly wakes, telling herself that it was fine to keep her eyes closed just a little bit more. She faintly recalls having made plans today, but she decides that it could wait, whatever it was. Every second she spends in bed without a strict timetable looming over her head was a moment to be treasured.

Five minutes later, Moonbyul's phone unexpectedly buzzes with a call reminiscent of last night's events. She freezes comically in mid-stretch, feeling her spine go rigid with dread. Swallowing dryly, Moonbyul tries her best to remember the plans she made last night, what for and whom with. She hopes that it isn't significantly more important than her sleep-befuddled mind was allowing her to think.

When the ringing stops, Moonbyul lets out the breath she doesn't know she was holding. She carefully inches her sleep mask upwards and squints reflexively as her eyes adjust to the light. Propping herself up on her elbows, she peeks at her phone warily, keeping only one eye open.

She didn't want to look, but she had no choice. The screen was littered with several notifications, but only a single one manages to catch her eye at the moment. Three missed calls. She realizes she slept right through two of them, and the dread grows even heavier. She could already feel the sweat beading precariously at her hairline.

The ringing begins again with barely a minute in between and Moonbyul startles into motion, almost falling off the bed in her hurry to get up. Moonbyul practically teleports in front of her closet and frantically grabs whatever without really caring about what she'll look like.

With her haphazardly put-together clothes in tow, Moonbyul quickly grabs her phone and takes the call without bothering to check the caller's name.

somethin' stupid (i love you) / jinbyul 💜Where stories live. Discover now