chapter five / come together

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Author's Note: Published on February 7, 2020. Updates will be posted twice or thrice a month. As promised, I deliver the (late) other half of the previous chapter (once again). Since this is a legitimate half of Chapter 4, this is not as long as the others, but still pretty lengthy. This will hopefully help shed some light on everything that's happened so far. And with that, please continue supporting this fic! Enjoy this chapter my lovelies~ 💜

P.S. I have a feeling you guys will want to hit me after this one, but...oh well 😆

P.P.S. WEIRD DAY IS!!! SO!!! GOOD!!!! it's exactly the type of song I like and I feel like we won't survive the album itself??? Oh no


Moonbyul brings a tentative hand to her cheek, pretending that the skin beneath her eyes had an unbearable itch she couldn't help but scratch.

She holds her breath and listens.


Moonbyul continues moving, trying to keep her breathing quiet so she can focus on deciphering the minute changes in the air for Jin's reaction.

Still nothing.

Moonbyul thinks she's going to make it. She'll be able to slide a finger under the cloth a little and see—

"Byul." Jin admonishes in the deafening silence. "I saw that."

Her entire body stiffens at the sound of Jin's voice and her heart stops beating. Moonbyul hides the suspicious hand in question under her thigh and schools her voice into one of innocence as she firmly denies what she's been trying to do.

Moonbyul can hear him sigh. She can almost imagine Jin shaking his head. She clenches her jaw, trying to hold herself back as she feels the volatile mix of her embarrassment and annoyance bubble up dangerously to the brim.

"Try trading places with me and see if you like it." Moonbyul manages to say through gritted teeth.

"Hey. Friendly reminder, I'm just the errand guy." Jin responds, voice carefully level and patient in an attempt to be placating.

She frowns, because Jin was right. While Jin seemed to be kind enough to be able to bear the brunt of Moonbyul's irritation for another good hour or so, it seemed pointless to lash out at her only way of understanding what was going on.

"Fine." Moonbyul replies in resignation. "Who called you, then?"

Earlier, Jin had excused himself to take a call in the middle of recounting the most memorable moments of Hyuntae and Jin's friendship through the years. By the time Hyuntae had poured them their third cup of his decaffeinated special, he and Jin have already traded a considerable amount of embarrassing stories that left Moonbyul breathless with laughter.

As the hour grew later, Moonbyul began to notice how frequently Jin would glance at his phone display, even tapping at it every so often as if he was waiting for something. His responses became significantly shorter too, eyes a little detached like he wasn't fully paying attention to the conversation.

Moonbyul didn't think anything of it at first. She ignores it and writes it off as fatigue that Jin was far too kind and polite to let show. When Jin's screen finally lights up with a call from an unknown number, he doesn't even take a moment to think before excusing himself to take it. His eyes light up like he had been expecting it to happen all night and was relieved when it finally did.

When five minutes pass by and Jin still doesn't come back, Moonbyul begins to eye the back entrance as discreetly as possible while engaging in small talk with Hyuntae. A sudden lull falls over them after a while and Moonbyul realizes that Hyuntae has probably asked her a question. She was about to apologize and ask Hyuntae to repeat it when Jin strolls in quickly, looking as if he had just remembered he had somewhere else to be right now and was trying to figure out how to break it to them politely.

somethin' stupid (i love you) / jinbyul 💜Where stories live. Discover now