Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


            Snapping out of the daze, I rushed over to Logan who was lightly cursing the dead animal in front of him. His gaze went to mine when I knelt beside him, and somehow I could sense the amount of pain he was in.

            "What do I do?" I asked him, my hands going hesitantly to the blade in his stomach. I wasn't sure if I could handle yanking the device out of him, but also ready since he did save Eve and I's life.

            "Nothing. Even if you pull it out I'll just bleed to death." His voice was raspy, but he seemed okay with dying. I figured he was ready to die to be with his mate.

            "There has to be something I can do." Just like that the answer came to me. I had no idea if what I was doing was right, but that same primal instinct told me to not think but act. Gripping the knife, I gently tugged it out, admiring Logan for not making any noise. I grabbed his arm and brought it up to my mouth and without thinking twice, my canines extended and sunk into his forearm.

            He will be a fine warrior.

            Logan's memories floated through my head as his blood filled my mouth, I waited till I was sure my saliva had fused into his bloodstream before letting go. Spitting out the excess blood, I watched as my mark transformed into what resembled a tattoo, but had a barbaric ancient meaning behind it. Logan's wound on the side started to repair itself and we both watched in fascination as his body seemed to thicken and take on a new property. If he was dangerous before, he was lethal now. I knew no one could stop Logan or take him down and I wondered if I had done the right thing. His eyes no longer were filled with pain, but with purpose and an almost worship quality as he stared at me.

            "Logan Kent, you are now Electas Bellator, my chosen warrior. The first of your kind meaning you are the most powerful, do not waste this gift I have bestowed upon you, and remember to always protect my human." My voice was that of the moon goddess and a light, happy feeling spread throughout me knowing that it wasn't all just a dream, she truly was with me. The feeling soon left me, and I found that with all of my new found strengths came weaknesses as I collapsed.


            She truly was my savior. I stared in wonder as the tiny woman collapsed in my arms, with a peaceful expression on her face. The sweet serenity that I have experienced ever since she marked me almost surpassed anything I had ever felt. My mate's memory no longer haunted me, though I know I will always feel as though a part of me was carved out, this female gave me a new purpose to my life. A reason that I was kept on this earth after my angel was sent home to heaven.

            I recognized that there were no romantic feelings toward Kaila, only an overwhelming urge to keep her safe, protected, and make sure that she had all she ever needed or wanted. Standing slowly with her still  securely to me, I made a move towards the door to bring her to safety, but a light moan stopped me. I turned toward the noise and was surprised to see the other female that I had captured shakily crawl towards us. Her sluggish voice filled the room.

            "Set her down you bastard or I will scream like a banshee." Her threat washed off of me like raindrops in a light shower, but this new instinct in me to protect swelled to the battered woman. I could tell she was important to my charge, so with a groan I walked over to her and set Kaila down beside her and started to come up with ways to get them both to safety. I was so distracted that I almost missed the door turning ever so slightly, but turned in time to see the two girl's mates enter the room. Slipping into a protective crouch over the ladies when they made to attack me, we were all jumped when the small female spoke.

            "Will, quite all that growling, it's giving me a headache." Instantly the male named Will stalked over to me, I tensed up when he got close to Kaila and growled slightly to him which he immediately answered with an animalistic snarl. He quickly scooped up his mate in his arms, and  returned to his position. The woman's face settled a bit when he began whispering what I assumed were comforting words to her. I turned back to the other male and I knew that before the bite I would have shrank back and ran away with my tail between my legs at the look he was giving me. It promised death, a painful agonizing demise. I prepare myself to fight to the death, but snapped out of it when I felt a dainty hand on my arm.

            "That is my mate, he won't hurt me." I nodded and watched with a close eye as she went over to him, critical of every breath that she took. Ready to jump in to defend her if he decided to man handle her, and also make sure that her body was healing itself. Her mate snatched her up into his arm and breathed in her scent, I narrowed my eyes at him, not like the way he grabbed her. Suddenly he looked up at me and his eyes flattened out and took on a red hue. I was sure he was about to attack me when Kaila grabbed his face between her hands.

            "He is not the enemy, Jon. Not anymore." He looked at her quizzically. She shook her head at him.

            "I'll explain later, just know that he's on our side now. Can we please go?" I felt my body immediately respond to her command and allowed the rush of pleasure that washed over me take its course.

            "Of course, my Luna." I went to take her hand but Jon crushed her to him.

            "She's mine." He snarled at me. Glaring at him, I heard Kaila sigh.

            "Boys, we can settle this situation later, we have to leave right now if we want to make it out alive." The pixie girl stated calmly. Jon and I locked eyes and nodded, "Later then."

            I walked out into the hall and whistled low to give the all clear. Slowly, the rest of the group came out, alert. Waving them over to the only door I knew on the ward, I saw the pixie girl shake her head.

            "We're on the first floor, we can just go through the windows. The halls will just lead to more rooms with more guys with needles and guns."  She walked the halls as though she knew where she was going and went into a room.

            "This one." She pointed at a window in the back of the room. I started, as if to break the window, but she stopped me. Watching silently, we all saw her flip the lock, easily slid the window open, and hop out. When she saw our faces she shrugged.

            "This was were they took me after injections, tied me to the bed and left me. There was always one nurse who cracked the window open for me to give me fresh air."

            I followed her lead and turned to help Kaila, but her mate scooped her into his arms and stepped out, all the while glaring at me. Rolling my eyes, I made sure the other two made it out saftly before turning and taking point. Gathering my surroundings I realized we were in the west side of the compound and nearly chuckled at our stroke of luck. No more than five hundred yards away was a thick wooded area that would be easy for us to hide in and hard for them to follow.

            "Let's go." I started to make my way across the field, opening my senses to anything and nearly jumped when the pixie girl began talking.

            "It's quiet. Why is it so quiet?" I felt as though she was talking to herself, but to make sure I voiced my thoughts.

            "It is strange, this is technically headquarters, and almost always filled with people. It's also interesting that we haven't come across any resistance yet, especially since we have the Alpha that Declan wants, with us. " She hummed her agreement and swept the area with her eyes.

            Reaching the trees I had barely breathed a sigh of relief that we had made it before alarms began blaring in the wind. We had been discovered.



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