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"So," Jimin started, waving his hands dramatically in the air. "Mates." Jimin pauses for dramatic effect while Yoongi groaned into his hands.

"You're keeping your word about dragging it aren't you?" Jimin flashed him a cheeky grin and didn't answer.

"Mates. In my world, we don't really date, instead, we have this courting, kind of thing." Jimin paused again and Yoongi waved his hand to tell him to keep going.

"In our world, it's the males or the dominant fairy who does the courting. They find a meaningful gift, and if the other accepts the gift, then they can continue courting."

"What kind of gifts?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin though for a moment. "Well, sometimes they are gifts that the other had wanted for a really long time, or a really beautiful necklace. Something that the other person likes."

"Are there any presents that were really ridiculous?" Jimin sniggered at his question. "Yup, there was this one guy who gave me a pine cone." Hearing Jimin's answer, Yoongi bristled. He hadn't expected Jimin to be courted, of course, that was dumb considering how gorgeous Jimin was. "You've been courted?" Jimin smiled slyly.

"Why? You jealous?" Yoongi flushed and he glared at the other before looking at the ground.

"N-no! I'm not jealous! What do you mean?" Jimin giggled at him. "I'm joking."

He continued. "And at the final stage of courting, the male or dominant fairy gives the other a dandelion, the little petals symbolizing all the love they have for the other." Jimin finished off with a sigh, eyes looking dreamy like with a soft smile on his face.

"You really want that to happen to you, right?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded sadly. "Yeah, but there hasn't been one I like."

Seeing Jimin's sad face made Yoongi sad, so pushing up from the table, Yoongi made his way to the kitchen.

"Do you like strawberries?" He called from over his shoulder. At the mention of strawberries, Jimin visibly brightened. "Yes! I love strawberries!" Yoongi chuckled and reached inside his fridge, bringing out a carton of freshly bought strawberries. "I heard these strawberries are really sweet.

The strawberries in fact, were not sweet.

"What the fuck." Yoongi exclaimed, choking while his mouth puckered. "This is like a fucking lemon." Jimin in the other hand, was eating it just fine, munching away at the bowl of strawberries. Shrugging, Jimin stuck his tongue out while Yoongi choked. "How can you eat that shit?"

"I don't know, guess I'm just better." Yoongi growled at him before shivering from how sour it was. "Ugh, that is nasty. Joon probably put it in their just to spite me." Jimin laughed at him, doubling over and alarming Yoongi.

It was interesting to see Jimin laughing with his whole body, every time he shook while fairy dust cascaded down his body in swirls.

"Hey, stop." Yoongi whined, poking Jimins knee with his socked foot. "Why am I always on the receiving end of jokes?" Jimin finally stopped laughing, looking up at Yoongi with a shy smile.

"You can trick me next time." He offered, making Yoongi's heart melt. God, the more he spent time with the other, the more Jimin seemed surreal.

"It's getting late," Jimin pointed out, and he stood up from his seat at the table. He twirled around and immediately shrunk back to his fairy size.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin fluttered up to him. "I'm going to back to my house." Yoongi stared him. "In the fairy realm?" Jimin shook his head, laughing a bit at him. "No, I have a house in the garden! Silly." Yoongi pouted hearing the word silly coming from the fairies mouth. "You have a house in the garden?" Jimin nodded. "It's more convenient then coming all the way from the fairy realm."

His wings fluttered and Jimin rose into the air, hovering just in front of Yoongi's face.

"I'm going to go now." Jimin said, and sprinkling some fairy dust into the air, Jimin zipped out of the room and out an open window. "Good night!"

Yoongi sat there slightly dumbfounded before shaking his head slightly and heading upstairs. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, yawning as he did so. Talking with Jimin really tired him out.

He took off his clothes and slipped into his king sized bed, pulling the covers over his shoulder. Blinking a few times, Yoongi closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, his dreams full of sparkling wings and melodic laughter.


A bit of a shorter chapter but hope y'all enjoyed it! I'll try making it longer next time!

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