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Yoongi's rich okay? And Namjoon low key used his money for booking

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Yoongi's rich okay? And Namjoon low key used his money for booking.


After returning to the house, Jin took one look at the van and declared it to be sent off to the cleaners.

"You guys are pigs," He snarked, his eyes boring into the ice cream stain left by Taehyung's tub of ice cream and Jungkooks squished popsicles.

"It's not my fault I'm too hot for it," Taehyung replied indignantly and Jimin giggled, hitting Taehyung's shoulder. As Taehyung turned to grin back at Jimin, Yoongi felt himself get an itch.

Hmmmm, he thought, scratching his chest absentmindedly, his eyes trained on Jimin. Am I getting a rash or something?

Jin sighed. "Whatever, lets go in and I'll cook food for us. I'll drive the van to the cleaners tomorrow."

Inside, Namjoon and Hoseok has already unpackaged the food and put them all in their places. Taking out a pink frilly apron he found stashed in the storage cupboard, Jin started to pull out various equipments needed.

"Yoongi," he called out. "Could you help me wash and cut the carrots?"

From the living room, Namjoon jumped up. "I could help you too, Jinnie!" Yoongi scoffed at that. "Please, the last time you tried to help, you left the stove unattended and scorched Jin's favourite pan." Everyone laughed while Namjoon blushed. "Besides, the best you could do is take two hours to-,"

"I get it!" Namjoon whined, and Yoongi laughed. "No need to embarrass me further Yoongi!" Jin chuckled at his boyfriends antics. "It's Namjoon you can play with the kids."

Grumbling under his breath, Namjoon begrudgingly sat next to Jungkook and Hoseok, who were playing Call of Duty on the X-Box and screeching at the same time.

When dinner was ready, Jin called them to the table outside on a balcony, where dishes were already laid out. Seeing the food, Hoseok let out an appreciative whistle.

"Damn," he said in awe, I've never seen you cook so much food for us before."

"That's because you guys don't deserve it most of the time."


They sat down in their spots, and before Jin could stop them, the youngest was already stuffing lettuce wraps into his mouth. Jin tsked. "Where are your manners?" Jungkook didn't seem to hear him as he stuff another lettuce wrap into his mouth. Jin sighed. Whatever.

"The view is really pretty." Jimin remarked quietly to Yoongi, who nodded in agreement. "Do you want to go down their after we're done eating?" Jimin nodded enthusiastically. He swallowed down his food and turned to Jin.

"You're a really good cook, the food tastes really good!" Jin flushed at his praise, and scratched the skin behind his ear. "Nah, I'm not that good.."

"Shut up Jin, we know how narcissist you get when other people complement you." Taehyung replied.

"You can't cook for shit so you can't talk." Jin replied back, sticking his tongue out. Taehyung grumbled something that sounded awfully like, 'you can't dance for shit.'

"Anyways!" Jin interrupted, clapping his hands together. "We should go swimming after, so I hope you packed your swim suit, or else you're going in with your clothes!"

"Yoongi I didn't pack a swimsuit." Jimjn whispered, when everyone began talking again. Shifting his neck to look down at Jimin, Yoongi grinned.

"What, did you not know we're going to the beach?" Jimin looked down guilty. "I was too excited." He mumbled and Yoongi chuckled. "Don't worry, I brought you a pair anyways, so you can wear that until you find one you like."

"Thanks Yoonie," Jimin said, smiling that smile that seems to light up the whole room.

"N-no problem Jiminie."


Kinda on writers block and this is all I can fart out right now


Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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