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Lola was just saved from a pervert who almost raped her,

Shaken and overwhelmed, she called the first person she could think of and Tade came running in a jiffy.

For the first time, he spent the night at her place; unwilling to leave her alone, he carried her straight to her bedroom, helped remove her shoe and tucked her in while arranging the duvet to cover her up to her chin.

"I'm here now, you can relax as i'll be in the living room if you need me". he said and left the room quietly.

The Sun filtered into her room and Lola opened her eyes to discover it was daylight once again.

A tray was placed on a stool close to her bed and she inhaled the smell of coffee, definitely breakfast in bed she said.

Lola was still in shock due to the horrifying experience but Tade's presence gave her a sense of calm and security.

She moved to the edge of the bed and placed her feet gently on the floor not wanting the headche to get any worst.

She opened her bedroom door and walked gently to the living room to see him praying.

He was standing on the tile as he obviously had no prayer mat to pray on, with his face turned towards the direction of the sun.

A caring and God-fearing man, she said mentally ticking a list in her head.

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