Chapter Three

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"Ojuelegba, Shitta, Ojuelegba, Shitta" Shouted the tricycle driver who had conveniently blocked the entrance to the car park of the Adeniran Ogunsanya Shopping mall.

Horns blared from several car owners who were all impatient to get to their destination.

Lola could sense an impending headache as she successfully navigated through the parking lot after wasting additional ten minutes finding a suitable spot to park. One of the car owners had parked in such as a way as to make it difficult for others to pass through, thank God for the attendant who had helped direct her to a safe spot where she had promptly parked her car.

"That's why i avoid Shoprite like a plague during public holidays" she muttered to herself.

In no time, she found her way in and was busy picking out groceries while keeping an eagle eye on the checkout lines, which keeps getting longer by the minute.

One more item and i'm done she said under her breathe, as she walked towards the wing designated for beverages and the next thing was *Bang*

Quickly, she realised she had bumped into someone and apologized immediately.

"i'm so sorry please" she said as she bent to pick items that were scattered all over the floor, a direct impact of the bang.

Rising up, the run-away items in her hand and an apologetic smile plastered on her face but immediately froze when her gaze locked in on the sardonic smile on the man's face, sending her into panic mode.

"Segun Olaogun", off all persons to bump into at the mall, it had to be him.

How many years had it been since they stopped being an item; six solid years, they had finally broken up after their Nysc service year when she had made it crystal clear she wasn't ready to settle down just yet or in the immediate future.

He had been reluctant to let her go, and had stalked her everywhere. He even had the nerve to accuse her of seeing someone else; when that did not work, he had said she was a selfish one for choosing her career over him.

She had tried so hard to explain things to him in a way he would understand and was so disappointed with the way he had taken the news. she thought that with time he would learn to see reason and understand her wanting to pursue a career

Rather than seeing reason, he became abusive to the point she completely lost all the love and respect she had for him.

There was a time she had truly cared for him and he had felt the same; they had been inseparable in the higher institutions but he suddenly changed after their convocation ceremony when she had refused to let him meet her mom officially as she wasn't ready for such commitment yet knowing the kind of family hers was.

He just couldn't accept the fact that she wanted a career path for herself before settling down with him or anyone.

It had taken a police restrain order for him to stop stalking and bothering her.

"Is going mute your new way of shutting me out" Segun drawled, jostling her back to the present.

"Hello and goodbye Segun" Lola managed to say without revealing how visible shaken she was seeing him and having to remember the bad blood that had developed between them.

"I'm not in the mood to entertain any words from you today " she added.

"Not so fast omoge" he replied while making sure to block her from making a beeline for the exit.
"How is your love life these days or you're still the career queen, hellbent on climbing those career ladders of yours still"

"Segun in case you've forgotten, this is a mall, a busy one at that and holding people at random isn't done here"

Lola was barely holding herself, trying to remain civil but of course, Segun just brings out the worst in her.

"We could have had two or more babies by now you know, one of which would have been a girl with a fiery spirit like yours" he continued as if he didn't hear what she just said.

Lola groaned inwardly ; There is no escaping that headache now as her head felt as though it was fitted with pins and needles.

She really needs to get out of here, but how as she realized she was shaking inwardly unable to stand another nasty rejoinder from Segun yet finding no way to wipe the irritating sneer from his face.

As if on cue, she heard someone calling out to her and it turns out none other than Sheun; one of her friends since her university days.

"And if this is not Segun Olaogun, where did you crawl out from" she said when she got within hearing distance.

"Where else if not from the hole your friend dumped me in" Segun replied as he made room for her to join their circle reluctantly.

"You can as well crawl right back and stop stalking my friend; we both know that your attention isn't welcomed" she said with a pointed look towards the exit.

"You've always being a fiery one; no need to rain fire and brimstone as I'll take my leave"

"You've not seen the last of me" he nodded in Lola's direction and walked towards the checkout section.

"Thank goodness, Lola said as she heaved a sign of relief.

" Don't tell me you allowed him get under your skin again girlfriend, I could feel the tension from miles away" Sheun said and moved closer to give her a hug.

"That guy just have a way of showing up where I least expect and he seems to have a knack of finding ways to torment me at every turn" thanks for showing up when you did dear.

Lola decided she was done grocery shopping and said as much to Sheun.

They paid at checkout and headed towards the car park.

The conversation soon turned to their forthcoming club meeting and the two girls agreed to catch up at the club and said their goodbyes.......

Sorry it took so long to update here, so many things happening these days, it's quite overwhelming..

Next chapter will be available soon.

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