Chapter Five

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The Sisters Club

Lola, Sheun, Biola, Nkechi and Rachel have been friends since the University days when they all stayed in the same off-campus lodge at Òkè Odò in Tanke; a popular area close to the University of Ilorin's main campus.

Despite coming from different backgrounds, they had stuck together against all odds and ended up as a form of support system for each other.

They had all agreed to form the Sisters Club after graduating from the University and hold monthly hookups where they stay up to date with happening around each other, lend support when needed and just be there whenever anyone of them is going through trying times.

All the girls were in a heated conversation revolving round the very talented Teni "The for your case" Musical crooner.

"I still don't think it's okay to be willing to go that far for a guy" Nkechi said; always dogmatic and seeking logical approach to issues.

"Especially when the said guy doesn't even know the length you're even willing to go" I can never, she added.

"What's so terrible about going all out in one's quest for love, I'll be willing to do that and more" Biola said

"What else was I expecting from you Biola"

"You can so carry this love matter for head" Lola said.

"We all know that Biola is a hopeless romantic"

I won't be surprised if she follows up with what she just said" Nkechi said while nudging Sheun to say something in support of what she just said.

Racheal surprisingly did not join in the arguments, instead she was busy chatting away on her smartphone with God knows who.

"I guess everyone is entitled to their respective views" Sheun finally said while passing round plates of small chops she just served to the girls.

"I still maintain my stance" Biola said in between mouthful of small chops she was bent on finishing at once.

"You all don't really know what love can make one do, so never underestimate it's power" she added

Almost immediately, Rachael started laughing uncontrollably and all eyes turned in her direction.

"And who or what is making this Edo girl all giddy" "Pray tell" Lola asked

"There is this guy I just met, he makes talking to him so easy that I find myself getting carried away" Rachael said in a conspiratory tone.

"Wait a minute, is there something I'm missing; what about Osas, your Benin guy" Sheun said with raised brow.

"Is someone two-timing and we don't know about it" Biola said.

"Out with it girlfriend"

"What do we always say about hiding stuffs from your girls" she added

"You'll go bald before your 50th birthday" The other girls chorused.

Rachael rolled her eyes at her friends and motioned for them to come closer then she began.

"Last month, I travelled down to Benin to visit my parents, I had planned to stay more than a week so I can spend some quality time with Osas"

"Rather than stay at my parents, I took up residence at my grandma's house in Ring road since it was closer to Akpakpava were Osas stays"

"I called Osas without letting on that I was around, and got to know that he'll be at home the next day"

"I decided to give him a pleasant surprise, got dressed and took a cab to his place"

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