Chapter Eight

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It was a sad day for the girls as one of their own was going through divorce proceedings.

Biola had always been a romantic at heart, she gets emotional easily and falls in and out of love quite often so when she had gotten married six months ago, her friends had been relieved and happy for her, only for this to to happen.

"Don't be too hard on yourself dear, just accept that this wasn't meant to be" Lola said in a bid to console her.

Everyone gathered around her, each trying to put in a good word or the other to make her feel better. 

"I thought we were happy together, it felt so right when he asked me to marry him" 

"He was so courteous and attentive"

"Where did it all go wrong?" Biola lamented.

"Did he say anything in particular to you?" Rachael asked

"No, that's why I'm so upset. I kept asking him what went wrong and all he said was that we are better off going our separate ways" Biola wailed.

Rather than choose a hangout for this month's club meeting, they had all agreed to gather at Biola's house on the Island.

Sheun, the self appointed cook of them all, was busy in the kitchen rustling something up.

"We're with you Biola, just know that you're not alone in this" Rachael said again and gave her a hug.

"Jollof rice and grilled fish is here, Sheun announced, bearing the rewards of her labors in the kitchen.

"Hmmm! Yummy as always, i guess life goes on" Biola said after a few spoonful of jollof rice.

"You'll make a good chef Sheun" Nkechi added, happy that Biola has decided to calm down and be logical about things.

"My failed marriage isn't enough to define me as a person, Chika declared us not compatible but he is not God, I'm sure there is a perfect match for me somewhere, just as there is for everyone else" Biola said with hope.

"That's the spirit dear, On this note I suggest we celebrate your newfound resolve with a visit to the spa for a well earned pampering session" Rachael said and the other girls whooped! In agreement.

"Can we get the pampering done at Oriki Spa please, I've heard so much about it and haven't had time to book a session there, plus going with the girls will triple the fun" Lola pleaded.

"You need more *me* time to yourself girlfriend, I know you love your work but we love you too and we'll rather you slow down" Nkechi said matter of fact.

"Oriki Spa it is then" Biola agreed, feeling excited already and wanting to get back to being her vivacious self. 

Oriki Spa is a relaxing and rejuvenating center located within Lagos Oriental Hotel, along Lekki Expressway.

Since Biola's house was located at Adeola Odeku, it didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination.

Once there, they opted for the Oriki Triple Delight treatment; which was a 90 minutes all over body treatment pamper session. 

They all agreed to have their session together and after a few delays as a result of trying to accommodate their request, it was show time.

First was a 10 minutes steam session, where they were asked to lie face down on the spa bed while their bodies was scrubbed down with a mixture of honey, lemon, sugar and some essential oils.

After a few minutes, they were asked to rinse the mixture off in the shower with exfoliating mitts and peppermint body wash.

Next, they had masks applied just like the initial scrub but this lasted for close to 20 minutes.

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