Chapter 1: Fateful Encounter

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Author's Note

Hi guys! I'm finally making another fanfic! Btw, if there's a ' mark, then it's what they were thinking about. Also, the picture on this part is how you look like in this story. Enjoy!

Yamamoto's POV

'What should I do now? I'm so bored......' "OI! TAKESHI! Can you do the shopping for me?" I heard Pops said."HAI!" I walked to where Pops was and got the shopping list. 'Let's see......eggs, seaweed, wasabi..... Wow, that's a lot of stuff!' I walked to the nearest convinience store and began to look for everything I needed. 'Okay! Now, I just need to find the green tea......Ah! There it is!' I grabbed the green tea, but at the same time another hand grabbed it too.

"Ah! I'm sorry! Go ahead. I'll take the other one behind it." a voice said. I turned and saw a beautiful girl with sky blue eyes and light blue hair. "Ah. Thanks! Nee, what's your name?" I asked with a friendly voice. "I-I'm (l/n) (y/n). What's your name?" "I'm Yamamoto Takeshi. Nice to meet ya!" "It's nice to meet you too, Yamamoto-kun!" she said with a smile. "Well then (y/n)-chan, I have to get going or my dad will bombard me with tons of questions." "Okay. I hope we meet again, Yamamoto-kun." "Yup! Bye!" "Bye!"

I walked to the cashier and payed for the stuffs and went home. At home, my mind was filled with images of (y/n)-chan. 'She's cute. I wonder if I'll be able to see her again.' I grew tired and eventually slept. Thankfully, I was already on the bed.

RING! RING! RING! 'Ugh...noisy alarm.....' I grabbed the alarm and saw that it was only 20 minutes before the school bell will ring. 'Uh oh...Hibari will kill me if I'm late!' I got up and got prepared to go to school real quick. Then, I dashed off to school. 'Ah! That's Tsuna and Gokudera.' "OI! Wait up, guys!" I said as I ran off to them. They turned their faces to me and smiled. "Good morning, Yamamoto-kun!" said Tsuna.

"Yup. Good morning, Tsuna! By the way, shoudn't we start running? It's only 7 more minutes 'till class starts ya know and you guys know what Hibari will do if we're late, right?" We all shivered at the thought of Hibari biting us to death if we're late. Then, we dashed off for school and actually made it to class before lesson starts. The teacher came and said that there will be a new student in our class and he said that it's a girl. My eyes widened when I saw a girl with the same light blue hair as I saw yesterday.

"Hi, everyone! My name is (l/n) (y/n). It's nice to meet you all!" she introduced herself. My body suddenly moved on its own and stood up. "(y-y/n), is that really you?" I said with my jaw dropped face. "Ah! Yamamoto-kun! You're in my class?" "You two know each other? Then (l/n), you can sit next to Yamamoto there. Yamamoto, can you show her around school later?" the teacher said. "Hai!" I replied and (y/n)-chan sat next to me. 'I can't believe it! It's really her!' I thought.

Your POV

'Yamamoto's a good boy. He's friendly and kind from what I can see. I wonder if he goes to this school. It would be surprising if he was.' you thought as you walked into class when the teacher called you to come in. I was surprised when someone shouted my name and I turned to see Yamamoto-kun with a jaw dropped face. 'He's pretty cute when he's like that. I think this school could be fun after all!' I walked to the chair beside him and saw every boy blushing while looking at me. I ignored it and sat next to Yamamoto-kun as class began to start.

DING! DONG! 'I guess it's lunch time, huh? But, who should I eat with? Should I eat with Yamamoto-kun?' "(y/n)-chan, do you want to eat with me and my friends" Yamamoto-kun said with a wide smile on his face. I smiled back and agreed to his offer. We walked to the rooftop and Yamamoto-kun's friends introduced themselves to me.

"Hi, (y/n)-chan. I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna. It's nice to meet you!" the brown-haired boy introduced. "I hope we get along Tsuna-kun!" He smiled and nodded to show a yes. 'He sorta looks like a girl. If it weren't for his short hair, people might mistake him for a girl.....' I thought. The silver-haired boy said that his name's Gokudera Hayato. We ate and talked about random things.

Then, a familliar baby voice spoke,"Ciaossu!" "EHH?!!!! REBORN?!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Tsuna said while panicking. 'Ah! It's Reborn!' "Ciaossu, Reborn!" I said while smiling. "Oh, (y/n). I didn't expect you to transfer so early." Reborn said. Reborn explained that I was an acquaintance of him and that I was the heir to the (l/n) Family. It's one of the strongest Vongola allies. In fact, it was one of the most trusted families of the Vongola besides the Cavallone Family.

"EHHH??!!!!! She's the heir of the (l/n) Family?!!!!" Gokudera shouted. 'I guess he's surprised that a girl was the next heir of my family, huh? People always didn't expect this so it was fun seeing their reactions when they found out.' "She will help with your training. The Ninth personally entrusted her and me with this mission. Although, she will only be your sparring partner so other trainings are usually arranged by me." Reborn explained. "EH?! Sparing partner?! Is she really that strong?!" Yamamoto-kun and Tsuna-kun said in unison.

"Yup. After all, she's known as the Two-Faced Assassin in the Mafia World. When she's not in fighting mode, she's just another ordinary girl. But, put her in the battlefield and she'll show you how to fight. She's also known as the Queen of the Underworld since her face and personality changes completely when she fights." Reborn explained. The three of them jaw dropped when they heard about my reputation in the Mafia World. Well, this will be interesting indeed~

In another place........

"VOIII, BOSS! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" said a certain white-haired. "Shut up, trash!" 'How many years has it been already since I last saw her? (y/n)...........' thought Xanxus.


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