Chapter 8: A Date?!

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Author's Note

Hi, guys! Sometimes I'll be changing the chapters so I'll let you know if i'll change them to make it more interesting. There's a high chance that I'll change chapter 8 tomorrow so remember to read the changes I've made! >v<  Enjoy~

Your POV

I just got out of bed and found my phone ringing. It's Yamamoto-kun. 'Sheesh, why is he always calling me anyways? Am I his girlfriend or something?' I picked up the call.

"Good morning, imouto-chan! Today you're going shopping with me, right?"

"Yup. What time are we going anyways?"

"We'll be going at 10 a.m. so I hope you're ready! Jaa ne, imouto-chan!"

He hanged up. '10 a.m.......' I looked at the clock and it's 9.27. "THE HELL?! He could've told me earlier...." I dashed to the bathroom and got ready. I wore a white crop with a matching pink skirt with some accesories. Then, I looked at the mirror to fix my hair.

'Wait... Why the hell am I trying so hard to look good? This isn't like me at all! We're just going shopping, self! Why the hell are you so excited about? And why do I look like a girl who's going to go on a date? What am I, an idiot?'

RING! RING! RING! The doorbell rang. "Imouto-chan, I've come to pick you up!" said Yamamoto-kun in front of the door. "Coming!" I replied. I opened the door and saw Yamamoto-kun. 'Did he just blush for a second there? No, no, no. It's just my hallucination. Yeah, that must be it. I mean, it must be common for him to see even prettier girls. After all, he's popular at school.

"Shall we go, imouto-chan?"

"Could you stop saying that, Yamamoto-kun?"

"But you also called me onii-chan on the text yesterday..." he pouted and gave me that puppy dog eyes look.

"Hey, stop that! I can't stand those eyes!" I pouted back.

Knowing this, he stared at me with those puppy dog eyes even deeper. 'Self, don't you dare give in to those eyes!' I looked at Yamamoto-kun's eyes. 'No, I won't give in.' 'But he's so cute.' said the other side of my mind. 'Just ignore him, ignore him.....' I tried to look away, but then finally gave in.

"Fine, fine, onii-chan~" I gave him a cute look while saying that.

Because of that, his face turns into a tomato. 'Heh. Serves him right, giving me those puppy dog eyes. I never failed to return a favor twice as much.' I thought as a smirk came over my face. "What a cute couple!" said some girl on the street. "They're perfect for each other, don't you think? The boy's good-looking and the girl's cute, too!" said another girl.

'What are they thinking? Do we look that much like a couple? I mean, sure he's good-looking, but we're not suited for a couple...right?' "They must be having a date! I wish I could have a boyfriend as good-looking as that." said some other girl. 'The hell?! Date?! We're definitely not- Wait.. Now that I think about it we really look like a couple on a date! Sigh......'

"Yamamoto-kun, what do you want to-"

"Onii-chan." he said cutting me off.

"Okayyy~ Onii-chan, what do you want to get anyways?"

"Some baseball bats and balls. And also some clothes since all of my clothes are getting wrinkled because I use them too often."

"I see. Then, let's get your baseball bats and balls first."

We walked into the direction of a sport shop and bought some. Just when we were about to enter a boutique, I saw a game stand that has a cute plushie as their first prize. I stared at it and couldn't take my eyes off it. It's just too cute! Yamamoto noticed and smirked.

"If you wanted that, you could've just said so in the first place."

"But I don't want to waste my money... I'm saving them to buy clothes."

"Then, you should just ask you onii-chan to get you that plushie." he said as he patted my head.

It turns out that the game was to throw the ball to the target as much as you can in 2 minutes. He easily won it and gave the plushie to me.

"Arigatou, onii-chan~"

He just smirked and we went shopping. 'Wait.. this is starting to look more like a date then just shopping! Is it just me or he knew that we look like a couple and he's having fun? Does that mean.... HE WANTED US TO LOOK LIKE A COUPLE?! No, that's not possible, right?'

Yamamoto's POV

'Hehehe. She's just so cute, carrying a plushie like that. By the way.... is it just me or do we look like a couple on a date?.... We really DO look like a COUPLE! Nah, even though we do look like a couple, I doubt (y/n)-chan would notice it, right? Or does she?'

After we finished all the shopping, the sun was already starting to set. 'Ah! I should take (y/n)-chan to get a perfect view of the sunset. Wait... I'm acting like how boyfriends trying to find a way to make their girlfriends happy........--" Why am I trying so hard to make her happy, anyways? I mean, sure she's my friend, but I don't usually get this excited with Tsuna and the others. Don't tell me.. I like her?! No, that isn't possible, right?'

A few minutes later, we arrived at a park that has a perfect view of the sunset. I looked at (y/n)-chan and found her smiling. I started to blush seeing her like this. The wind was blowing her hair and she looked beautiful. 'Wait... What am I thinking?! I decided to call her my little sister, right? So I shouldn't think of her that way. I mean, she's already got Xanxus and I'm sure Xanxus had a crush on her since long ago...'

Unconciously, I kissed her cheek and her face heated up. 'Uh oh... what did I just do? This is bad.... I unconciously.....'

Your POV

I was admiring the sunset as the wind blew my hair. I looked at my left and found Yamamoto-kun staring at me.

"What's wrong, onii-chan~" I playfully said.

He didn't reply and just touched my face. 'Eh?' I thought as he kissed me on the cheeks. 'THE HELL?! First, he kissed my forehead. Now, he kissed my cheeks.' I looked at his face and he looked like he did it unconciously and just realized what he did. 'He kissed me and he didn't NOTICE it?! How much of an idiot is he?'

"W-wh-wha? What did you just do you idiot?" I said as I tried to hit him and he grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)-chan. I unconciously did it. Honest!" he said while raising his hand, trying to show that he's being honest.

"What are you exactly, a moron or an idiot?"


"Geez.... Anyway, we should be getting back. It's getting pretty late."

"Okay, imouto-chan."

We walked home and he patted my head before saying goodbye and went home.


Author's Note

Sorry if I'm a little late updating. In my country it's still 11:56 so it's technically still Christmas so it's not late for me, but I'm sorry if you guys have been looking forward to it a little earlier. Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone! 'Till next time!

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