Chapter 3: Enter! The Snow Guardian!

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Author's Note

Hi guys! I decided to skip the Mukuro Rokudo Conflict because it's pretty boring in my opinion.......I decided to skip to when Tsuna and the others received their Guardian Rings. So, this chapter is going to start in that time. Enjoy!~

Your POV

RING! RING! RING! 'I guess it's about time I wake up, huh?' I grabbed my alarm and switched it off. (A/N: Btw, in this story, you lived in a pretty big house alone with some maids.) I woke up and told one of my maids to prepare my breakfast since I'm too sleepy. "Mistress, someone sent you a ring." one of the maids said. 'A ring? What ring?'

Then, she took the 'ring' and ahowed it to me. 'I think I've seen that ring before somewhere......Wait....It can't be!' I raced to the bathroom and got prepared to go to school. When I arrived, I saw the gang and went to them. "Hey guys, has anybody see Reborn?" "I don't know. He always appears out of nowhere, right? What's wrong anyways, (y/n)-chan?" asked Tsuna. "I need to ask something very important to him, but since he's still nowhere to be found, I guess that can wait." "I see..Well, class is starting so should we go?" asked Yamamoto-kun. "Yup." I replied.

When class started, I didn't listen to the teacher at all and just thought about where I've seen the 'ring' before. At the end of class, I couldn't remember where I've seen it before so I just went to the roof with the gang since it's lunch. "Ciaossu!" said a voice which must be Reborn. "Ciaossu, Reborn. I need to ask you something very important." "What is it?" "It's this. Do you know what is this?"

"I do. It's a Vongola Ring given to the Snow Guardian. Actually, your mother was the previous Snow Guardian, but she retired being the Snow Guardian when she was holding you as a baby." "EHH?!!!! (y/n)-chan is also chosen to be a Guardian?!" Tsuna and the gang panicked. "W-What?! My mom was the previous Snow Guardian?! B-But, the Snow flame is a rare flame. It's even rarer than the Sky flame. Are you saying that my Mom has this flame?!" I replied, jaw dropping.

"Yes. The Snow Flame resembles a kind and caring heart, but fierce and very destructive when angered. It's just like your mom's personality. It seems you inherited her Snow flame without knowing it. You may have ever used it, but forgot because you were still young." "Do I really inherit my mom's Snow Flame?! As far as I know, there's only 5 people that ever possessed the Snow Flame in history. Does this mean that my mom is one of these 5 people?!"

"It seems that you even know the top-secret information of the Vongola history. Yes, your mom is one of these 5 people. The Snow Guardian's job is to take care of the Vongola like the gentle snow and crush any who dares to hurt the Vongola like the fierce blizzard. It's also the Snow Guardian's job to help those who lost their path in their hellish past and cool the heated heart filled with hatred towards the Vongola."

"Are you sure that I can inherit the Snow Guardian's position, Reborn? You know how I act in battle." "It's alright for the Snow Guardian to have a dark side. After all, the fierce blizzard is the dark side of snow. The Snow Guardian role is perfect for you. Plus, your mom trusted you with this position in place of her."

Yamamoto's POV

'I didn't think (y/n)-chan is also a Guardian. Will she be okay if she became one? Well, she's strong so I shouldn't need to worry, but...... Why am I worrying so much about her?! After all, she's stronger than me and has a big reputation and all. Snap out of it, Yamamoto!' "Oi, herbivores. Why are you crowding? I'll bite you to death." said a threatening voice.

We all shivered except (y/n)-chan and Reborn and we turned slowly and saw Hibari charging at us. I dodged his first attack, but someone stood in front of me when HIbari charged at me for the second time. "(y/n)-chan, it's dangerous. Look out!" I said. She turned her head and gave me a smile that looks more like a smirk than a smile.

"It's okay, Yamamoto-kun. Leave it to me!" she said as she turned her head back and faced Hibari. She countered Hibari's attack merely by kicking his tonfas. "Incredible....." said Tsuna. I jaw dropped at how quick and elegant she is in battle. She didn't attack Hibari at all. She merely countered his attack by attacking his tonfas to stop his attacks. "Is this how she fights in battle?" I asked unconciously.

"You haven't even seen her true strength, Yamamoto. She's merely just toying with Hibari, but being the demon of Namimori Chuu, she's getting serious fighting him." said the kid (Reborn). "Well, she's not the Queen of the Underworld for nothing. Keep that in mind." he said maintaining a smirk and a calm face. The more the battle went on, the more serious it gets so the kid (Reborn) said that he'll break the school property if he kept that up. That made HIbari stop attacking (y/n)-chan and he walked away with a smirk.

Your POV

"So that was the Cloud Guardian, Hibari Kyoya, right? He was pretty good though. Nobody has ever entertained me that long. He's really fit to be the Cloud Guardian." "Pretty impressive, huh? He wasn't chosen to be the Cloud Guardian for nothing." said Reborn with a smirk. "Yup." I replied. I turned my head and saw the 3 boys jaw dropping. 'Their faces are hilarious. I should've brought my camera.'

I giggled seeing their faces. "You're amazing, (y/n)-chan! That was some battle you had!" praised Yamamoto-kun with his usual wide smile. "Thanks." And thus, the eventful day ended after a battle between the Cloud Guardian and the Snow Guardian.


Author's Note

What do you guys think? Comment please! Until next time~ ^v^

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