Only (Taetzu)

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this one wasn't requested by anyone, I just wanted to make it lol...i was bored and wanted to make a lil sumn sumn
Tzuyu POV:

"Hey baby." Taehyung said.

I rolled my eyes and turned the other direction, secretly smiling at the nickname. I pretend to look for some paint to use for this art class, but I see Taehyung approaching my friend, Jisoo. I pay them no mind and actually try to look for some paint to use until Jisoo approaches me, laughing.

"Hahaha! You wouldn't believe what Taehyung just said to me!" Jisoo laughs. "He keeps asking me to be his girlfriend!"

I laugh along with her, but still secretly hurt at the comment. We both knew Taehyung was a flirt, and never genuinely meant the things he said to us. He'd usually only say it to get a reaction.

"Why don't you be his girlfriend then?" I ask, pretending I didn't want him to ask me the same thing.

"Nah, he's not my type."

~Time Skip~

I sat at home wondering why I even felt this way. Was I so desperate for attention that I'd even accept it when it's not genuine? Sometimes I'd think he'd like me, but then he'd do something to prove that I'm just like the other girls he messes with. I didn't want him to control my feelings like this, and I'd never admit to him that I felt this way. He'd probably think I was ridiculous. From today on, I'm avoiding him.

~Time Skip~

We had Geometry first period. We were set up in groups of three, and since we were able to choose our own seats the first day, it was Taehyung, Jisoo, and I. And yes, we sat in that order. Taehyung was a clown, and would always make Jisoo and I laugh, but today, when I decided to avoid Taehyung, I realized how different we were. She was beautiful, sociable, and nice. While I believe I'm beautiful too, I don't think I come across as too social or nice.

I sat quietly, doing the sheet the teacher assigned us while Taehyung kept leaning over to Jisoo to tell her things that would always end in her laughing. I realized how nice they looked together and felt a little sting in my chest, but I stayed calm, and continued working.

In P.E, Taehyung approached Jisoo and I, and seeing this, I turned away to stand at another part of the gym. Taehyung grabbed my arm before I could.

"Gimmie a hug, Tzuyu"

I made a sour face and before I could react, Taehyung was embracing me. Even though there's not much of a height difference, there was a strength gap. I put my arms around his back and started patting it, signaling that I was ready to be let go. He let go of me slowly.

"I love you." he said.

I only press my lips together and look in the other direction for Jisoo, trying to pretend whatever that was didn't happen. It wasn't strange for him to randomly declare his love for us, either. Apparently, while Taehyung was harassing me, Jisoo found herself a nice spot playing a mini game of volleyball with some of the other girls. I turn back around, not liking the idea of doing sports and am met with— a smiling Taehyung. Bored and lonely, I decide to walk laps around the gym with him.

"Why do you look so sad today?" he asked.

I shrug, disappointed that the promise I made with myself didn't last 'till 3rd period.

"You look cuter when you smile, you know that right?" Taehyung wiggles his fingers in the tickling position and begins to attack my stomach with them, causing me to laugh out loud.

He's tricking you! Don't let your emotions get the better of you.

I immediately snap out of it, telling him to stop, and he looks at me disappointed.

"Did I do something to you?"

I make up a fake excuse.

"I don't think you should be playing with Jisoo's feelings like this. What if she ends up liking you?"

"Now I know you're lying, Jisoo never liked me, but I think you do~"

I immediately reject that idea telling him that he's not my type either, all the while Taehyung was smiling like an idiot.

"Ah~ You're really cute, Tzuyu."

"Yeah yeah, you think a lot of girls are cute, Taehyung." I mumble.

"No, I don't, and out of all those girls I'd still think you're the cutest."

I stop walking, and Taehyung notices when he turns around and doesn't see me. I look at him and open my eyes widely if as to ask "Are you serious?" He chuckles and walks towards me with his hands out, embracing me into another hug, but this time he plants a kiss on my forehead. He's always been a player, but he's never actually kissed someone?!

I wipe my forehead, pretending to be disgusted.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because truthfully, I love you, and only you Chou Tzu-yu."

I give him a skeptical look, wondering if I should believe him or not.

"I'll prove it to you."

~Time Skip~

I walk to my locker as normal, still confused about what Taehyung meant yesterday when he said "I'll prove it to you". I shake myself clear of the memory and try to open my locker and found it was locked or rather, jammed. I yank at the handle a few times and when it finally opened, an overflow of candies and pink colored love notes spilled out. I looked down embarrassed as the people around me stare at the assortment of goodies that was surrounding me. Taehyung, as if planning for this moment, came from around the corner.

"Believe me now?"

i don't have much to say ab this tbh, just thought it was cute, sorry for so many time skips

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